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Disabling the auto-focus assist light

Another thing you might try is taking an unexposed but developed piece of slide film (ie: trimmings from a processed roll), cut one to size and attach it to the assist light in whatever fashion you desire. What little light that passes is near infrared, which the focusing system happens to be sensitive to, yet it reduces the annoyance factor by a large degree.

Mon Oct 11 13:02:12 PDT 2004

I cut a piece of gelatin 87C filter and put it over the light source.

Harry Howell
Mon Nov 15 22:03:55 PST 2004

Why don't the companys use IR light for the AF light? It wouldn't be visible for the people, but the camera sensor sees it?

Thu, 15 Jun 2006 15:24:12 -0700

It's true, the camera sensor is very sensitive to IR light, but for cutting interference they always implant an IR filter in the front of the sensor. I think it's not working 100% so its perhaps possible to use IR light to autofocus. Or? - See for IR photographing: Infrared Photography: Pictures of the Warm World

Sat, 30 Dec 2006 04:26:52 -0800

Thanks for your illustrative points. I never liked the bright white AF assist light. I love wildlife photography, and for sure you need to disturb as little as possible.

For people photography, the red LED light in external flashes, are more helpful as assist, without drawing too much attention

Jonson PL
Fri, 30 May 2008 05:44:14 +0000

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