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how to realize the autofocus algorithm by using canon sdk?

i am doing an autofocus algorithm for canon EOS camera by using the EOS SDK, but i dont know how to control the lens to move the focus position. please help.

thinks for your advice.

Fri, 01 Jan 2010 09:07:02 +0000

that would be this function - only in live view mode can autofocus be controlled remotely.

enum EdsEvfAfMode
Controls auto focus in live view mode.
This command is supported by the EOS 50D or EOS 5D Mark II or later cameras, and only in live view mode.

Fri, 05 Feb 2010 18:50:20 +0000

I also need to perform autofocus in live view.

- Canon Rebel XS
- EDSDK 2.7
- Visual C++


1. Is the Rebel XS one of the "later cameras" in the comment? I don't know if it came after EOS 50D.

2. I haven't found kEdsCameraCommand_DoAfEvf in the headers or the sample CameraControl app. I do see this command in the 2.7 API Reference though. I downloaded the SDK in March 2010. This looks like a discrepancy between the API doc and the code.

3. But the CameraControl sample app uses this: kEdsCameraCommand_EvfAf_ON. Is that another name for the same thing? It does not appear in the SDK Reference. In any case, it does nothing on my camera.

Here's what I'm trying to do. When disconnected from the computer, the AE Lock button starts autofocus in live view, as described below. That works on my camera. Is there a way to push this button virtually using the sdk? . . .

Focusing with Live View:

If you've activated either the Quick Mode AF or the Live Mode AF (using the appropriate Custom Function, as described earlier), you actually start AF by pressing the rear AE Lock button – the one marked with an asterisk "*" icon. You press this button with your right thumb, and once focus is achieved, you can remove your thumb from this button. Press it again to re-focus any time you like during Live View shooting.

Thanks for any help you can offer!

Thu, 22 Apr 2010 01:22:40 +0000

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