Camera Hacker


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several mystery small blurry jpg grey images in picture folder?

Ok so Im obviously not hip to all this digi cam and photo processing mumbo jumbo, but im trying to learn so bare with me...

anyway one day in one of my picture folders(one that was downloaded off of my camara from a SD card)out of (I think) now where there were several small unidentified files that say they are jpgs that almost look like a tiny piece of a picture but you cant tell what it is exactly, its hard to explain, but there are a lot of them. and they are in grayscale. for example some of them look like someones ear and another looks likes all white its just weird. I was thinking could be like one picture or even a movie that was converted or something and maybe my boyfriend tried to convert something and did it wrong i don't know. but does this sound familiar to anyone?
I attached one of many of the images... I don't know if that helps, but I just want to know what the heck these are!?!

Attached Image:

4-6-PHOT0021 (1).JPG

Tue, 04 May 2010 08:06:00 +0000

I suspect that these are thumbnail preview photo of the larger ones. The larger photos may have been removed, but whoever removed the larger photos left the small thumbnails behind.

If your memory card is used in multiple devices, such as a camera phone, and/or shared among family members, then you have a good chance of seeing things like this.

Do you know where your memory card has been? Is it a microSD Card?

Chieh Cheng
Tue, 04 May 2010 16:40:14 +0000

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