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For years, I have ran a custom digital photo frame on my Super Digital Media Terminal. I have thousands of photos on this display and I have enjoyed it from day 1 since three years ago.
This past Christmas, my brother and his fiance gave us a Pandigital PAN7059MN03 7" widescreen LCD digital photo frame. I thought that is exceptionally nice considering we have a lot of widescreen photos from our recent Japan trip. I loaded up the digital photo frame with the photos and started watching the slideshow. After 15 minutes, I had gone through the entire slideshow. When it repeated the slideshow, I felt bored. That surprised me. Why wasn't I bored with my custom digital photo frame that had been playing non-stop, 24/7, for the past 3 years?
That is when it occurs to me that it is the slideshow setting that matters. The default setting on on a digital photo frame is sequential slideshow with 5 second pause. Manufacturers probable set it to 5 second, to prevent impatient new owners from thinking that the digital photo frame is broken. But with a 5 second pause, most of us will go through our photos with a day. Seeing the same sequence the day after, and then the next day, will cause our mind to get so familiar to the sequence that we'd get bored.
The reason I didn't get bored with my custom digital photo frame is because I sat it to show a random slideshow with a pause of 5 minutes. When my mind saw a new image, it was surprised with a joyful memory. The 5 minute pause allowed my mind to process the current masterpiece. The pause also made my mind anxious for the next surprise. With a 5 minute, it'll take a while to cycle through all your photos. By the time it does, your mind would be ready to be surprised again.
The Pandigital widescreen digital photo frame doesn't have a 5 minute setting. But I have found that I minute does the trick, too. You can offset the short pause with more photos. But don't forget to turn on random or shuffle.
Chieh Cheng
Mon, 05 Jan 2009 22:17:14 +0000
Sounds, good, I also very much like the digital photo frame.Especially those who show the picture is very clear.
Sat, 15 Sep 2012 05:48:00 +0400
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