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iPaq/Nevo remote shutter release

Any iPaq/Nevo remote shutter release solutions out there?

Tom Carlstrom
Wed Jun 9 07:14:28 PDT 2004

Which Nikon camera do you have? Which Nikon remote works with it?

Chieh Cheng
Wed Jun 9 11:37:28 PDT 2004

I have a Nikon D70...

Tom Carlstrom
Thu Jun 10 08:49:05 PDT 2004

What remote control does the D70 use? The Nikon ML-L3 wireless remote controller?

If you have an universal remote control at home, start by trying what is described here and here.

If you can get that to work, you may be able to program Nevo to use the same remote code.

Chieh Cheng
Thu Jun 10 10:05:27 PDT 2004

Tom, I also suggest you contact Nevo support (, they are excellent! Perhaps they have the device file you need or they may develop one (seems that's what they did for me - initially, nevo support told me they didn't know what else to try; then a tech from their library group contacted me with a "file to try"). Nevo also has a "learn" feature so you or can record the IR signals from a real Nikon remote (if you have a friend who has one). Good luck...

Fri Jun 11 14:05:00 PDT 2004

Remotec 5300 (and maybe other Remotec models) work fine with the D70 . Enter the code 0282 in VCR-mode and almost all buttons will fire the D70 :)
The VCR-brands for this code are : Alba,Baird,Crown,Daewoo,Goodmans and Multitech.

john banyon
Tue Sep 28 11:07:19 PDT 2004

I got this from dpreview, and it works great.

I found the control code for the Ipaq Pocket PC using Nevo.

* Use the wizard for new TV
* Pick "select brand" option
* Pick Sanyo for "Brand"
* Pick selection "8"

* Pick "next" and complete the wizard

* go back in to page 1 of 4 where the off/on button and all of the channels buttons are.

* The off/on, #1, #2, and #3 ....all those buttons will fire the camera
*Make sure your D70 is in remote mode

Wed, 17 May 2006 21:06:42 -0700

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Title: Infrared remote for the Nikon D70
Weblog: Camera Hacker
Excerpt: Remotec 5300 (and maybe other Remotec models) work fine with the D70 . Enter the code 0282 in VCR-mode and almost all buttons will fire the Nikon D70 :) The VCR-brands for this code are : Alba, Baird, Crown, Daewoo, Goodmans and Multitech.
Tracked: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 16:43:00 -0700

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