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Nikon AF NIKKOR 24mm f/2.8D

Nikon has taken their lenses to a new level in the AF NIKKOR 24mm f/2.8D. This ultra wide lens is small and gives the same clear and crisp results that are expected from Nikon. The coating on this lens is supposed to eliminate spurious images and control lighting issues, and it does. Nikon is so particular about their products that they specifically determine the coating type and amount for each of their individual lenses: the AF NIKKOR 24mm f/2.8D is no different. You might not be able to see the coating or understand how it works, but when you see the results you get with this lens, you will know for sure that the coating is there and is one of the secrets that passively augment its functionality.

This Nikon AF NIKKOR 24mm f/2.8D also features the famous Nikon CRC for great performance on your close up shots. This is a feature that many lenses do not have. No matter what the range, the lens will give you good wide views that are great regardless of whether you are photographing your landscaping job or a trip to the mall. This is also a good lens to use for interior decorators. Regardless of the purpose, the lens allows you to capture a very wide area while maintaining a crisp, sharp image with practically no distortion.

One of the most endearing aspects of this lens goes beyond its ease of focusing and superior contrast on wide shots. Perhaps it is one that is most practical: the weight. Although the Nikon AF NIKKOR 24mm f/2.8D is a superior lens from every perspective, what makes this an exceptional lens for daily use is it's weight. The compact design of this lens makes it a portable option that won't wear you out on an all day excursion, whether indoors or outdoors.

Using this lens on a digital body can produce somewhat different results. In fact, with the Nikon AF NIKKOR 24mm f/2.8D connected to a digital camera seems to give about the same range of area width as a standard 35mm lens on a film camera. So, while the autofocus is fast as well as the lens itself (making it a good performer in reduced light), its functionality in when deployed on the digital camera may in fact be of more limited use. Therefore, when considering the features of this lens, keep in mind the type of camera on which you intend to use it.

Topsee Krett
Tue, 01 Dec 2009 16:32:52 +0000

I find that this article gives the definitive description of the 24mm Nikkor performance on crop sensor Nikon cameras. The 24mm is very usable and an excellent bargain.


Fernando Cundin
Tue, 29 Dec 2009 17:13:15 +0000

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