This page contains interesting links that will eventually get moved to relevant articles, forum threads, and/or wiki documents on this site. If you come to this page from a search engine and what you are looking for is no longer on this page, you can search through this site for the information.
Web Site | Poster |
35mm Lego Camera
- Make a 35mm camera out of Lego |
A Low Cost Analog and Digital TV (DVB-T) Modulator
- DVB-T emitters are usually very expensive professional devices. Now with a standard PC you can broadcast real DVB-T channels ! |
Building a megapixel digital camera from a flatbed scanner
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--cameramail cameras--
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Camera & Repair Articles
- Various articles on camera repair. |
- dedicating to enhancing Canon digital cameras |
Ceiva picture frame serial port adapter
- control your Ceiva picture frame yourself |
Chapter 1: Creating and editing a movie
- Make your own digital video! |
Chieh Cheng |
Extreme Macro Photography on a budget
- Pringles Can into Macro Lens! |
- With a very little effort, you can take existing photographs of everyday scenes and make it look like they're actually of miniature models. |
- TV camera lens filters |
Film retrieval tool for free
- Build your own film leader retrieval tool. |
Chieh Cheng |
Film Scanner ?? Enlarger ??
- An enlarger can be a film scanner. |
Lars |
Flash sync isolator
- SAFE FLASH SYNC for third party guns. |
Fred's home built 4x5 Large Format camera
- Homebuilt LF camera |
Hacking a SE T610 camera for IR
- hack a mobile phone camera |
How-to make your own wireless remote
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HOW-TO: Take digital photos from a kite?Part 2, the kite and the pictures
- Interface an intervometer to a point-n-shoot camera. |
how-to turn a digital camera into an IR-camera
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HOW TO - Use the Kodak Wi-Fi Camera with Flickr
- send photos to Flickr from anywhere |
- Procedure and Evaluation |
Ionizer to help remove sensor dust
- Modify a piezzo-electric gas-lighter! |
Kiev 60 slr
- Kiev 60 camera DIY and HELP page |
[email protected] |
- Canon Case Studies |
Lens Hacker Hall of Fame
- Classic Bronica Medium Format Camera Chapter |
Chieh Cheng |
Lens Hoods
- Downloadable PDF documents that you can print onto card to make your own lens hoods for free. |
Links to Tips on Camcorder Stabilization
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Lowepro MT 200 modification
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Macro - Digital Handbook of Biological Imaging
- This online guide will help you with the common tasks involved in making and processing images of biological subjects. |
Making a Camcorder Stabilizer
- You can also make one yourself for about $30 plus a weekend of work with some hand tools. |
Chieh Cheng |
- The official page of the MAME and MESS project for Digita Enabled Cameras. |
Chieh Cheng |
Medium Format Pinhole Lego Camera
- Make a pinhole camara that uses medium format film out of Lego |
Memory Map for Sony D8/DV Camcorders
- Lists some of the configuration NVRAM addresses and their functions available on the Sony D8/DV camcorders. |
Chieh Cheng |
Movie Making Equipment you can make easily at home
- camera stabilizer, track dolly, lens hood |
Newtonian Reflector Telescope
- Make your own! |
nikond70hak ? NikonD70_hak
- h-a-c-k the firmware of the Nikon D70 digital SLR camera |
On Camera Creation, Standards, and Custom-made Cameras
- Mechanical construction of cameras |
Panasonic DMC FZ-10 rough guide
- This guide and unofficial FAQ is gleaned from all the useful information found on the Internet and Panasonic digital camera forums. |
Chieh Cheng |
- Skateboarding Videography and Post Production Resource |
Chieh Cheng |
Photo Fakery
- Identifying falsified images can be straightforward if you know a few tricks. |
Photographing Flying Insects
- Macro photography with laser pointer triggers. |
Photography Basics
- Basic Photography tips and tricks |
nomadicalloy |
Project: make your own digital camera resolution test chart
- find out if you really can make your own professional digital camera resolution test chart for free |
Protecting Your Equipment
- The following are unbiased, real world advice tips that should help guide you through the myths of camera care. |
- Raquette de commande d?APN pour CANON 10D/300D |
Remap Stuck or Hot pixels on Olympus 2100 UZ
- Concept will work for other cameras. |
Chieh Cheng |
RENPHOT Digital Photo Image File Renaming
- Automated file renaming based on date/time information stored in image. |
Chieh Cheng |
- upgrade EOD 300D firmware to 10D |
eric burden |
Sony Video Camera Control Hack
- Turn on a Sony video camera when a motion detector saw an animal moving. |
- Recommends a list of modifications. |
Chieh Cheng |
- build a stereoscope from a cardboard box and some pieces of mirror |
The Cheap Bastard Photography Club
- Some interesting home brew accessories. |
The Curse of DV Revisited
- Filters - DV and Digital Video cameras |
The Homemade Trail Camera Project
- Common and alternate components used to build and operate a motion activated homemade trail camera. |
Tripod Socket
- adding a tripod socket to the Holga |
Turning your PC into a Home Theater
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Universal Battery Packs
- Built your own batteries for digital cameras and flashes. |
Chieh Cheng |
Why didn't the Romans invent Photography?
- Photographing on a leaf. |
How to capture little planets
- Make little planets of your neighborhood. |
sony vx-2000e/canon ae-1: a dirty tryst
- mount 35mm lens on video camcorder |
Sony IAS Shoe Adapter
- I managed to build one in about 1 hour. Then making the 2nd one only took 15 minutes. |
Photub : Photography Blog
- Link blog focusing on all things photography with some bias towards DIY and camera hacks |
Andrew Gwozdziewycz |
6x17 camera
- This is my ongoing 6x17 panorama camera project! |
Stefan |
Pano head
- The Panorama head El Cheapo! |
Stefan |
Will Pearson
- Panoramic Photographs and Photography Blog |
Beth Menzies |
Pinouts Handbook
- This site contains pinouts and brief descriptions of most everything connector, including digital cameras connectors |
Andrew |
- Diy high quality protective lens poach. |
Stefan |
Service Manuals for Cameras and Accessories
- Free download in PDF format |
Mel |
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