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Nikon AF NIKKOR 180mm f/2.8D IF-ED -- A Wondrous Lens

Nikon is a Japanese multinational corporation best known for optics and imaging products. Nikon is the second largest manufacturers in the world. Their products include binoculars, cameras, measuring instruments, microscopes and steppers used in photolithography. Nikon launched its medium tele prime in its lens lineup called Nikon AF NIKKOR 180mm f/2.8D IF-ED Lens.

The lens gets constructed with a combination of eight elements in six groups. The dimension of this lens is 145 x 79 mm (5.7 x 3.1 inches). It contains nine diaphragm blades in it. The lens minimum aperture is f/22 and the maximum aperture is f/2.8. The focal length of the lens is 180 mm. The angle of view offered by this lens is 13 degrees while using it with digital SLR cameras. The closest focusing distance is 60 inches (152 cm). The filter size will be 72 mm. The maximum magnification ratio is 1:6.6 (0.15x). This lens includes a sliding lens hood, which is a metal ring located around the end of lens barrel.

This AF NIKKOR 180mm f/2.8D lens bears an internal focusing design and so the length remains constant despite the focus setting. The front element of the lens does not rotate and so a polarizer can be used with ease. This lens cannot have an internal AF motor and it relies on the operation of slotted drive screw of the camera. Due to this the AF produce a moderate degree of noise while operating. The operation of AF is quite fast and it is an advantage of the internal focusing mechanism. This lens is a fast long focus lens producing sharp photos.

The build quality of this NIKKOR lens is excellent. The outer barrel of this lens is made of metal which has a crinkle finish well for professional NIKKORS. It contains a rubberized focus ring which operates very smoothly. The outer focus ring is slightly damped as well. It includes a built-in telescope hood, which is very convenient to use. It contains a bayonet lens mount. This lens has a sweet focusing spot from f/5.6 to f/11. The manual focus ring works nicely and provides nice focusing adjustment to the user. This NIKKOR lens does not have a tripod mount on its barrel.

The chromatic aberration (CA) is very low in this lens and most of the CA is found around the corners. The CA is low at the larger apertures and minimum at f/4. The CA grows from f/4 to f11 slowly. The distortion is also low and a little pincushion is seen at the edges of the frame, which is 0.15% maximum. The average pincushion is only 0.06% across the frame. The exposure works very nice in this NIKKOR lens. The lens weighs 768 grams (27.1 ounces). Nikon AF NIKKOR 180mm f/2.8D IF-ED Lens is priced around 750 US Dollars.

Thu, 25 Mar 2010 12:34:51 +0000

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