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Nikon AF DC-NIKKOR 105mm f/2D -- A Wonderful Telephoto Lens for Portrait Photographers

Nikon, a Japan based multinational company, well known for manufacturing optical and imaging products. They are leaders in the manufacture of cameras, microscopes, binoculars, and optical measurement instruments. One product from Nikon which has been playing a beneficial role in every photographers career is the Nikon AF DC-NIKKOR 105mm f/2D lens. This lens is more suitable for portrait photographers.

The external body and other parts of this lens is made of a combination of both metal and plastic and the craftsmanship reflects the famous Nikon pro style crinkle finish. The lens has a special feature that it has been designed in such a way to remain constant even though the focus settings have been adjusted and the front element will also remain constant and will not rotate due to a Rear Focusing design. Since this lens in a telephoto lens the built-in lens hood is designed in a telescope style.

This lens is made up of 6 elements in 6 groups and it has 9 aperture blades. It has a minimum focus distance of about 0.9m and maximum magnification ratio of 1:7.7. The dimension of this lens is 111mm x 79mm and it weighs about 640 grams. It also comes with a non rotating filter of size 72 mm and this lens costs about $ 1025, which is affordable considering the quality of this lens.

This NIKKOR 105mm f/2D lens is capable of switching between Auto Focus to manual Focus mode with the help of an independent ring. The lens does not have an internal Auto Focus motor and it depends on the slotted drive screw, which is being operated by the camera. Therefore the Auto Focus mode creates some noise, but the speed of focusing is very effective. This NIKKOR AF 105mm f/2D DC also features “defocus control” which enables the users to focus on the appearance and nature of the out of focus areas too. Furthermore, it also helps to change the degree of foreground or background blur more accurately than other high focus lenses. This feature provides a great help for the portrait photographers.

Though this lens is somewhat expensive, it has good features such as mf action, the ability of the lens to be in balance with large bodies, the effective defocus control, and its ability to produce sharp images with great color, which makes the lens worthy for its cost. With the help of all these features portrait photographers have been creating master pieces over the years and they will do the same for the years to come.

Thu, 25 Feb 2010 14:23:36 +0000

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