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Nikon AF-S VR NIKKOR 200mm f/2G IF-ED -- A Suitable Lens for Photography

Nikon Europe released the 200 mm F2.0 AF-S VR G lens, which is a revolutionary, new SLR photographic lens, the first f/2 aperture lens to feature Vibration Reduction (VR) technology, on May 2004. This lens is fast telephoto lens that features Vibration Reduction capability under low light. This lens pledges to be a very intriguing and very pointed lens, which supplies the photographers with huge possibilities for shots with very pleasant supple bokeh. In supplement Nikon furthermore released a new teleconverter, the TC-17EII 1.7x, which is combined with the TC-17EII 1.7x teleconverter which makes this lens a 340 mm F3.3. This TC-17EII 1.7x teleconverter is compatible with the AF-S and AF-I type lenses and it is able to communicate with the signals from most of the lenses.

The exclusive blend of an f/2 greatest aperture blended with Vibration Reduction endows new photographic possibilities in low light situation which was unrealistic to accomplish before without resorting to grainy high-speed movie or noise-prone digital ISO sensitivity settings. The superficial deepness of area conceived by the broad f/2 aperture boasts an exclusive look to images blended with a satisfying backdrop distort and brilliant viewfinder image and it is favorable for the photographers looking to freeze action with very fast shutter races in reduced lighting conditions.

The salient features of this Nikon AF-S VR NIKKOR 200mm f/2G IF-ED Lens can be listed as follows. This lens is made up of Super ED and ED lens elements which provide a low refractive index and reduced dispersion. It features Dual Mode Vibration Reduction that includes the Normal mode for common situations, panning and using a tripod and the Active mode for shooting from a moving platform such as cars or airplanes. This lens comes with a Silent Wave Motor which is meant for quiet, high-speed auto-focus and it does have a special M/A option for instant manual focus override during auto focus. There is an AF Switch which enables easy selection of settings such as AF-L that allows a preferred focal length to be preset, AF-ON which allows fine manual manipulation, and Focus Preset that helps revert the focal length of the lens to the preset focal length. This lens also has a Meniscus protective glass and a rubber mount gasket, built using tough magnesium.

The lens is constructed using 13 elements in 9 groups, 1x meniscus protective glass lens. It has a Maximum aperture of f/2.0 and Minimum aperture of f/22. This lens measures 124 x 203 mm approximately and it weighs about 2.9 kg. The price of this lens is about 6027.3 U.S. dollars.

Wed, 07 Apr 2010 05:59:37 +0000

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