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Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 35mm f/1.8G - The Complete Lens

Nikon is a multinational corporation in Japan specializing in optics and imaging. They also produce cameras, binoculars, microscopes, measurement instruments and much more. NIKKOR imaging lenses is one such product of Nikon used for F-mount cameras, photographic enlargers, large format photography and other applications. The AF-S DX NIKKOR 35mm f/1.8G is the newest lens of Nikon for DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) cameras.

Nikon AF-S 35mm contains NIKKOR's ring type Silent Wave Motor (SWM) for accurate focus operation even with cameras having no built-in motors. The lens gets constructed with a combination of 8 elements in 6 groups with one aspherical lens. The dimension of this lens is 52.5mm x 70.5mm (2.1 inches x 2.8 inches). The focal length of the lens is 35mm. The diagonal angle of view of this lens is 44 degrees based on the image circle. The lens gives effective view of 53mm. The lens has the maximum wide aperture of f/1.8 and the image sharpness is quite good with a sharp central region having 1.5 blur units and soft corners of 3 blur units.

It has a good front lens cap LC-52 and a real rear lens cap LF-1. Nikon AF-S 35mm gives sharp, high resolution images and it can focus about 0.98 feet. This lens has a metal lens mount for Nikon F only. When mounted on DSLR cameras, it enables photographers to document the world with a lens similar to the vision of the human eye. It includes a HB-46 Bayonet lens hood. It is small and less than an inch in depth. The lens hood helps to shade the front lens element and prevents flare. With the 1.5x crop factor for DX bodies and lenses, this hood has twice the capacity of reducing flare without hurting the image quality.

Nikon AF-S 35mm uses an AF-S focusing motor. The autofocus is fast and at any time the AF results can be over-ridden by simply turning the focus ring. It includes seven rounded diaphragm blades. This lens gets designed to reduce Chromatic Aberrations (CA) in the wider end of its aperture range. The lens flare and chromatic aberrations get suppressed by exclusive super integrated coatings which ensure the accurate color balance.

The filter ring is 52mm which does not turn during autofocus operation. The magnification ratio is 0.16x. The minimum close focusing distance is less than one foot. It weighs 200g (7 ounces). Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 35mm f/1.8G is light weight, compact and an affordable lens. This prime lens provides exceptional control of background and foreground with low light ability. With stunning sharpness, clarity and color reproduction this lens turned out to be an all-time favorite lens for all the photographers.

Thu, 17 Dec 2009 09:51:52 +0000

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