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When looking for a lens that is compatible with a Nikon DSLR, one of the most important factors is cost. A Nikon DSLR, specifically the Nikon D40, which is the camera that I own, has a very specific set of lenses that will fit it and work properly. The Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR lens is 100% compatible with the Nikon D40 which would presumably be very important to a lot of people as well. However, getting back to the matter of cost, the greatest benefit to this lens is that fact that it is very affordable. This lens, in my opinion, can be considered top of the line for what it is, especially since this newer 18-55mm lens now includes Vibration Reduction. A feature like this is very desirable to most people who use a zoom lens. When a person uses the full zoom capability, it is more difficult for the camera to sustain a stabilized image. With the Vibration Reduction of this Nikkor lens, it greatly enhances the stabilization of the photo.
Another great aspect of this lens is the fact that it is very user friendly. The photographer can easily determine how to use any of the features of this lens, simply because they are clearly marked. The Vibration Reduction is clearly marked with an "ON/OFF" switch. In addition to the "VR switch", there is also a switch to turn auto-focus on and off. The biggest problem regarding a lens replacement for a Nikon DSLR, as mentioned above, is the ability to find a lens that is 100% compatible. While many lenses do in fact fit the body of the camera, they will not support the use of auto-focus. This is a very important thing to be sure of before purchasing a lens for your Nikon camera. You want to make sure that you have the appropriate lens, and that it is compatible with what your camera requires.
Regarding the lens itself, it is a very clear lens that will produce a fantastic image. I can't imagine that many people would complain with the quality of a photo that this lens will produce. Whether you are a pro, or a novice, I believe anyone can appreciate the ease and clarity of this lens. In addition to this, I find that the lens is a great size for easy transportation. Most of the camera bags that are built for DSLR's are actually large enough that you could even leave this lens on the camera while it is stored away in the camera bag. This is very convenient for those photographers who do a lot of traveling or going from place to place.
The lens, if purchased new, or in new condition, also comes with the two lens caps to protect it when it is not in use. One lens cap is the generic lens cap that you take off to produce a picture, and put back on when you are through. The other cap is to put on only when the lens is removed. Both are nice to have and they give you the piece of mind that your lens is safe when not in use.
Overall, I would recommend this lens to anyone who is looking for a great quality, easy to use lens that is small and easy to take with you wherever you may go.
Fri, 27 Nov 2009 11:49:01 +0000
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