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300mm F4

I recently purchased the 300mm f4 and am more than pleased with results. However, there is what I think is a problem, hence my question. I need to set aperture manually by turning the apeture ring on lens. The camera regardless of which mode its in will not change the aperture via my front dial on camera. My 18-200 lens works great. The 300 F4 differant story. I set the "lock" feature on lens to F32 and still nothing. Am I doing something wrong somewhere, somehow?
Any suggestions would be most appreciated! Marcus

Sun, 15 May 2011 03:04:07 +0000

It is possible that if the lens is not a CPU lens that you need to go into your menu options, there should be some sort of menu option for non-CPU lens's that you need to set. This should allow you to manually use the aperture ring but also give you the info on the camera while taking your photos. Another thing could be the aperture ring is not lined up with the ring on the camera body, with digital cameras there is a ring around the lens mount that will turn with the aperture ring on older lens's, that allows the camera to know what aperture setting you have on the lens. Make sure that you camera is in "M" mode, take the lens off and switch the aperture all the way clockwise, then attach the lens.

Michael Bredthauer
Sun, 15 May 2011 14:39:34 +0000

Hi Mike,
Thank you for taking the time to comment. You raise two excellent points, the first in this case does not apply and secondly I have tried what you suggested to no avail.
The lens is an AF-S 300mm f/4D IF-ED. I don't think I can "choose aperture" via the camera dial but have to use aperture ring on lens. If I'm in "auto" mode or "shutter priority" mode with lens locked at f/32 then camera chooses the aperture for me. I wanted full camera control over shutter and aperture from the camera as I shoot mostly in "manual mode. It appears I will have to spin the ring on lens to choose aperture! A little strange for a comparatively new lens with a modern body.Oh well, I can live with it.

Sun, 15 May 2011 18:44:39 +0000

That kens needs motor drive in the body for aperture

Sat, 11 Jun 2011 00:33:02 +0000

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