Camera Hacker

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4.1 MP digital camera connected to 64-bit Windows XP shows MSDC

The problem I have had so far is connecting it to my PC and getting the MSDC message on the camera. I have taken picutres but have not been able to transfer them yet. This is the 4.1 camera. My specs are Windows XP 64bit. That is part of the problem with the posts on here is that none is mentioning there OS and the model of the camera. ALso the sakar driver page is now an ASP.NET error. I know because I ama computer consultant that designs sites like ebay for a living. If I Can get the images off the camera I wil let you know how I did that.

Sun, 08 Jun 2008 18:18:32 +0000

I was using a 1GB SD card but was able to sijmply stick that into the card reader on my PC and no problems copying the files right off the card to the hard drive. The camera says there is no SD card in it when there is and photos are on it. Just put the SD card in your PC card slot and it works great.

Mon, 09 Jun 2008 01:11:58 +0000

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