After obtaining the Canon EOS D30, I noticed that the video cable that came with the digital camera seems identical to the Olympus Camedia C-2500L video cable. The both have a 3.5mm mono mini-plug at one end and a RCA phono plug at the other end. I plugged the Olympus video cable into my Canon D30 and the TV and the cable worked just fine. I suspect that the same digital camera video cable is probably standard among many digital cameras out there. Let us know whether this cable is the same for your digital camera by clicking on "Discussion".
Here is the pin-out information for the Canon VC-100 digital camera video cable:
The tip of the mini-plug is wired to the center of the RCA plug. The body of the mini-plug is wired to the shield of the RCA plug. Maybe these are not the correct terminology. Please let me know the right words for these parts of the plug. Thanks.
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