Camera Hacker


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video camera to be used primarily in a vehicle

Yes, these posts are really sweet. I happened upon this page while researching, prior to launching a marketing campaign for a video camera to be used primarily in a vehicle (car, motorcycle, bicycle, boat, and truck, whatever).

You may wish to contact me, as I've recently negotiated a deal with a company overseas that produces exactly the solution you seek and cost effectively.

Consider the following details of the video camera I'm referring to:

Video Camera ships to you, including the following.

1. Continuously records video in avi format to a SD/MMC card. (1 GB card included with the camera, will take up to a 2GB card)

2. Portable. It can be moved from vehicle to vehicle with ease.

3. Camera mount supplied.

4 Power supply is either +12V DC (comes with cigarette lighter power supply) or uses 3 - AAA Batteries. (Batteries not included)

5. Camera is smaller than a pack of cigarettes.

6. Button that activates its onboard RED Laser light, for "aiming" camera in desired direction and then locking it in position.

7. Output cable for real-time viewing in vehicle (you supply the viewing screen, ie; any DVD player).

8. Camera has Light indicator to tell you it's recording properly.

9. Camera has indicator light to let you know that either the batteries have run down or that the +12V DC supply has become too low.

10. Viewing/recording capabilities are virtually as far as the eye can see.

11. Simply pop out the SD/MMC card, take it in the house, plug it into your computer and view/save the avi file.

All that sound too good? It gets better. The video camera will retail for less than $125.00 DELIVERED anywhere in the USA.

I am also negotiating a video camera that will have audio, as well. It will come with all of the above and sports a delivery price of under $175. I will price them low because I'd rather make $20 each from 1,000,000 people rather than making $80 from only 100,000 people.

Feel free to contact me at [email protected], should you be interested.

Sat, 29 Sep 2007 06:22:40 +0000

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