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SanDisk Extreme SDHC Cards are designed to survive the apocalypse. These storage devices not only perform at amazing speeds, but you can take them practically anywhere. I purchased a 4GB SanDisk Extreme SDHC Card for my digital camera. When they say you can take them to a desert or glacier, I believe it. Not only was it able to survive being locked in my car during the hot summer months. but it has even endured the freezing cold temperatures of winter. I'm talking summer time temperatures reaching about 130 degrees inside the car with the windows up. This winter it's been down to as low as 2 degrees. Very extreme temperatures, and it didn't hurt my SDHC card one bit. I've accidently washed it with my clothes. 30 minutes In hot water, with a cold rinse cycle, then taking the beating in the hot drier! It has even been stepped on a few times, and ran over by my son and his friends. These things can take a beating and not even blink. I see speeds of 30mb/s when I plug it into my computer's SanDisk card reader, I believe it's the Image mate series. Those transfer speeds are amazingly fast for such a small chip. I was a bit skeptical over the price at first, but after doing research I decided it was the best choice to go with. I am very satisfied that I did. They come with a limited life time warranty too. They are listed as class 10 specs, but they should be backwards compatible with your device if it takes a SDHC card. Make sure to check with your product manufacture before hard though. For me it works in all my devices which are a little bit old. From my experiences with this brand, I would definitely recommend it. If you want those memories to last, don't even bother burning too a cd-r, or dvd-r just pick up one of these.
Mon, 20 Dec 2010 05:23:43 +0000
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