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Eye-Fi Explore Wireless 2GB SD Card -- The Authentic Wireless Card

Eye-Fi Wireless 2GB SD Card is a special Secure Digital (SD) memory card that enables digital cameras to upload their photos wirelessly. This Eye-Fi card looks like an ordinary 2GB SD card, but it is really a 2GB SD card with a Wi-Fi chip inside. The Explore version of this wireless SD card stores pictures like a standard SD memory card. It automatically locates nearby Wi-Fi networks and it adds location tags to photos. It automatically transfers images from inside a camera to a PC or Mac by using Wi-Fi network.

A short configuration process of popping the card into an SD card reader and a series of prompts should be done, then pop the card into a SD-compatible camera to start shooting. This card has 2GB of storage and features a Wi-Fi Hotspot access for one year. This card provides 10,000 Wayport hotspots, including McDonald's, hotels and airport locations. It has unlimited Geotagging as well. This card has many access points and it supports multiple networks. It includes unlimited webshare photo upload service. It easily save photos to your computer and share them on your favorite photo sharing, printing, social networking or blogging websites.

It has a secure Eye-Fi service which intelligently handles your phone uploads, even when you are away from home. The wireless range will be 45 feet indoors and 90 feet at outdoors. The following things are needed to perform an operation on this Eye-Fi 2GB SD card. A Wi-Fi network (802.11 a/b/g), internet connection, SD compatible digital camera, a computer with Windows Vista/XP or Mac OS X (10.4 +) and any web browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox etc).

The setting up of Eye-Fi is simple. It involves installing local software on your PC (no Linux support). Plug the Eye-Fi with its included SD card reader into your computer. Find the appropriate installer for your OS, then install and run it. Create an account in the Eye-Fi website. This account manages your Eye-Fi settings.

The Eye-Fi automatically detects the wireless networks. If you give permission through your OS it automatically fills in your WEP/WPA encryption key. The Eye-Fi configures several networks and connects to them when in range. If you want to add another network, then you will have to change the settings manually on Eye-Fi.

After taking pictures, just keep the camera on within the range of wireless network. The Eye-Fi will automatically upload photos from the camera. This Eye-Fi Wireless 2GB SD Card renders great performance. It provides good convenience and is easy to use.

Mon, 14 Dec 2009 10:53:46 +0000

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