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I was wondering if you had dug in with any SDK that will support a digital camera.
I'm looking at the SDKs for either Canon or Nikon and I wanted to see if one is more complete than the other. I will probably go through the Nikon approval process and see what it's like. I have one of their cameras and this would be preferred...
but Canon seems to have a recent update to their SDK and supporting it under .NET, which is pretty useful - there are a lot of options for application development.
Judging by the cover, the Canon SDK appears to be well maintained, updates have been made and it doesn't look like a static product. Nikon doesn't reveal much on their SDK. So, if you have had any experience or have worked with either or both, I'd love to hear what you think.
thanks for any insight you can shed.
Wesley Procino
Thu, 02 Nov 2006 23:56:46 -0800
I have experience with both Canon and Nikon SDK regarding the raw development. Nikon SDK won't let you change NEF development parameters, so you'll be only able to open the file, nothing more. Canon SDK is better, but Canon changes their SDK interface quite often and the newest EDSDK is terribly slow. Also, for different cameras there are different libraries, so you'll have to have up to 3 implementations if you want to support all their cameras.
What is interesting, Adobe has released DNG SDK, but I haven't had time to see it properly yet.
Tue, 07 Nov 2006 03:27:30 -0800
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