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How to control Canon Powershot G9 with SDK linkin to labview

im triying to remotly take a shot with this camera, and i need it to do it tru labview, so i downloaded SDK from canon, and i linked the dll, and the problem its created when i enumarate the camera with the getdevicelist function, because it returns the Insufficient buffer size Error, so i increased the buffer and the program crashed, i dont know if youre famirializied with labview, but i really need to finish this, i apriciate your help.
ill send you all the files.

Attached File: Daniel Hernandez.rar (1 MB)

Tue, 09 Nov 2010 02:08:17 +0000

Had the same problems once, trying to build a wrapper between CDSDK and LabVIEW. LabVIEW has problems, transferring data to dll-s. For example, when I had to pass a device name inside of the cluster to dll, I had to replace a string with a cluster of appropriate size (128 U8 elements or smth like that).
When passing a simple string as the buffer for returned string, it should not be empty (send 128 spaces).
You pass an empty array of I16 for ModelName. May be it will be enough to initialize it (Init array -> bundle), but in my case it did not work. I had to replace an array with cluster to fix size =( Looked terrible.
National Instruments suggests writing a wrapper dll to pass complex arguments.
I managed to initialize device, get its name, copy pictures from memory card, but abandoned the project when Canon required to use function pointer for some capture function.
I will try to recover it, but do not know when.

Tue, 07 Dec 2010 13:41:07 +0000

Use Visual studio to do the camera work (wia or the SDK), do the communication between Labview and Vstudio with simple command's via TCP/IP (127.00.01)

anton v T
Thu, 10 Nov 2011 14:09:08 +0000

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