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Canon Digital Camera SDK Usage Survey (2641-2720)

Canon Inc. has received several requests from registered software developers to extend support for remote control operation via SDK to future A-Series PowerShot cameras below the top-of-the-line model. If you have an opinion on this topic, now is the time to express it. Please answer the following questions:

1. Up to now, approximately how many Canon digital cameras and which models have you or your company purchased or sold, directly or indirectly, because of Canon’s support of remote control functionality via SDK?

2. Over what period of time were these cameras purchased or sold?

3. Please estimate the approximate number of Canon digital cameras and which models you or your company plan to purchase in calendar year 2006, based on Canon’s current SDK support. (Please see our current SDK
support plan below.)

4. Please estimate the approximate number of Canon digital cameras and which models you or your company plan to purchase in calendar year 2007, if Canon extends support for remote control operation via SDK to future A-Series PowerShot cameras below the top-of-the-line model.

5. If SDK support is extended, should it include all future PowerShot A-series models? If so, why? If not, which models should be excluded?

6. Please let us know if you have any additional comments or requests concerning the Canon Digital Camera Software Development Kits.

Replies should be sent via e-mail to:

[email protected]

The deadline for this survey is August 15, 2006. Thanks for developing software for Canon Digital Cameras!

Best Regards,

Canon U.S.A., Inc.
Digital Camera Developer Relations Program

Canon's Current PowerShot Digital Camera SDK Sopport Plan
Canon has no plan to offer SDK support for PowerShots A410, A420, A430, A530, A540, A610, A700, SD30, SD450, SD550, SD600, SD630 and SD700 IS. These models do not support remote control or video out operation via the USB port. Basic downloading for these models is possible via WIA on the Windows platform and Image Capture on Mac OS X. The PowerShots S3 IS, S80 and A620 can be accessed via PS-ReC SDK 1.1, while the PowerShot S2 IS and many older models can be accessed via CD-SDK 7.3. Please see the SDK General Information section of our web site to review the new SDK feature compatibility charts for more information.

Canon Digital Camera Software Developers Kit General Information

Going forward, Canon Inc. informs us that they plan to limit SDK support for future PowerShots to the top-of-the-line A-series model and higher models excluding the Digital ELPH series. The next PS-ReC SDK is not expected until December, 2006, and we do not expect any further versions of the CD-SDK. As always, registered developers will be informed as new SDKs become available.

[email protected]
Mon, 17 Jul 2006 11:11:00 -0700

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