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cheap lens and polarising filter

Hey have been a visitor of your site for about 2 months, I really enjoy the information on it.

Anyway, you know how people always say Canon FD to EOS (the ones with corrective lens in it) are completely shit (except for the one canon made)? Well I bought one a while back, anyway after that, I bought a Kenko (also known as other brands i think for this lens) 420-800 mm f8-16 (fixed) lens (T-mount) and accidentally got the T-mount for the FD mount, oops, anyway so I tried it out with the T-mount and then FD adapter, well crap images, I thought "shit lens.. shit adapter... shit pics" but I kept trying and finally am managing to produce nice quality images with it on a Canon 350D, anyway, attached is one of the pics.

Also, a 'camerahacker' style idea came into my head, I googled it, yet could not find anything, so I'm waiting on a pair of linear polarising filters from eBay to arrive to try it out, this idea came to me when thinking about when I was doing polarising light in high school phyiscs (either in my high school physics class, or in a physics lecture at uni, I walked in and sat down in.. while attending high school... wasnt a student at the uni >_>).

Anyway, the idea I had was to stack 2 linear polarising (no real draw back imo, if you cant manual focus and are unwilling to learn, then you should be banned from using any more than a P&S camera) on top of each other, slightly off parallel (in the direction of polarisation) to each other, so on a slight angle, well any angle except 90, 180 or 270 degrees, otherwise it'd block all light, so you could get a further finely controlled specific narrow band of light in.

I cant believe I cant find anything on google about it, there has to be someone out there who's tried this.

Attached Image:


Sun, 04 Mar 2007 18:39:31 -0800

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