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The Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM

The Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM is about the same as a sixteen to thirty five mm zoom camera with a field of view crop factor. This lens fills a void in the wide angle lens line of Canon lenses. The EF-S is a short back focus lens. This EF lens has a larger distance between the film or sensor and the back of the lens. I personally think this is a good set up and is a good set up that will last the test of time. You should get a lot of use from this lens.

Other L model lenses by Canon are known for their short comings. A couple of the main issues are their soft corners and distortion when being use at their widest range. It seemed that a 22mm lens that was not in the L line would have similar issues. The lens does include some good elements from other lenses such as the super UD element from the Canon L series.

Surprisingly the Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 lens has a distinct lack of distortion where the others have failed. That is not to say it never has any distortion but it is very good when used for long range imaged and at its widest angle. There is still some slight distortion around ten mm and 22mm has a pincushion distortion. Most would never notice however since it is so slight.

Where others have also failed in sharpness this lens has been very good. It is a very good performer when it comes to sharpness. The details do tend to get very small when using these distances of focal lengths.

The Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM Lens does tend to be a bit soft around ten mm around the corners. You can help compensate for this by stopping down but it will not make the softness around the edges go away all together. However this is fairly common for lenses in this range. At sixteen MM it is better but similar results. The soft corners only go away when stopped down to about 4f. At twenty two MM it performed even better and stopping down did improve results even more.

While flare can be a major problem with most lenses, especial combining bright sun with a wide angle lens, this The Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM Lens helps limit flare quite well. Keeping the sun out of the shot would normally keep there from being any flare at all.

A professional photographer may be worried about Chromatic Aberration since that is a common issue in many lenses. While this issue is controlled very well with this lens there is some noticeable in high contrast images around ten to twenty two MM.

A lens with a great depth of field is a great feature to have. While the lense claims a circular aperture design for out of focus highlights when stopped down this is not an important feature which is good because it is hard to get these highlights with a lens of this range.

Over all this is a great lens of it's range.

Mon, 16 Feb 2009 22:11:48 +0000

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