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I have two Nikon 5000ED scanners with IA-20 APS adapters (as well as others..) and am having problems.
The scanner is fine with 25 exposure cassettes, but quite a lot of 40 exposure cassettes load up as expected (wind the film fully into the scanner) then instead of waiting for the scanner software it rewinds the cassette all the way back in. I've scoured the web, best I can find is that other people have had the same problem, but no ideas on how to cure it. Nikon are unable to provide any advice other than it's probably faulty cassettes but send the adapter back for repair.
There is a dearth of technical information about APS so I'm hoping someone can give some clues as follows:
1. Anyone know why the IA-20 won't accept 40 exposure films (Fuji seem to be the worst) and how to cure it?
2. I have obtained some empty replacement cartridges but they came without instructions. I'd like to try switching a film into one of them - is there a way of doing that without opening the new cartridge? They are built like normal cartridges with film, in that the end you open is covered by a label and you have to break the label to get in. If you go in the other way, it will open but the tabs break off internally when you close it.
Than you!
Thu, 21 Feb 2008 18:41:27 +0000
I have considerable experience with APS and IA-20...... You should not need to replace the cartridge. Check your IA-20 model number... IA-20(S) will do 40 exposure IA-20 will not.
If IA-20(S) makes a loud noise like plastic gears are striping then need send to Nikon Repair.
Try opening little cartridge trap door and unwinding film out about 2-3 inches. Examine film end for damage, glue, tape, etc. I sometimes re-cut the end to proper shape (usually takes several tries to get just right). Re wind film back into cartridge but stop when just barley inside, and close trap door.
Sorry for the confusing instructions.... I need to find time and document with photo's to show HOW TO..
If all else fails.. then we sell a APS film holder that works in your MA-21 slide adapter. Our holder requires that cartridge cut open and film cut into 3 frame strips.
Please see pdf attachment
Sun, 02 Mar 2008 21:03:04 +0000
Thanks for the feedback and information (and sorry for the delay). Both my IA-20s died completely so they are now with Nikon. I bought another to keep the business running, and had no further problems with 40-image cartridges. The adapters are all IA20(S). I did inspect the film leaders before feeding, one was damaged.
I'll bear in mind your film holder. I did a while ago cut a film up and scanned it in my LS9000 using the 35mm tray.
Wed, 05 Mar 2008 11:15:00 +0000
Mon IA-20S a besoin d'�tre réparé:
Un film encollé s'était bloqué emp�chant de retirer l'adaptateur de mon COOLSCAN VED.
J'ai réussi � trouver le moyen de retirer l'adaptateur, mais il a fallu ouvrir l'adaptateur pour retirer le film.
Au moment de le refermer, un petit ressort s'en était détaché.
Je ne l'ai probablement pas replacé au bon endroit, et il n'a plus marché.
J'utilise VueScan, mais il ne reconnait plus l'adaptateur.
Connaissez-vous un réparateur qui puisse s'en charger?
Ou j'ach�terais un IA-20S hors d'usage pour voir o� se situe ce ressort.
Thu, 07 May 2020 14:57:29 -0700
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