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Sorry to intrude but my question is this: I tried to reprint a photo from a developed aps film but was told the "film was cut" .. If I take the negative out as shown in one of your tips, could this negative be developed? By "film cut" they said it meant the cartridge could not be connected to their machine...?
thanks for any help!
Wed Oct 9 05:10:53 PDT 2002
Hmmm . . . I'm not sure what is meant by "film was cut". The negative is still in the cartridge right?
Here are a few things to check for: 1. Is the cartridge indicatior in the developed position? If not and the roll is developed, rotate the core to the developed position (following the arrow). 2. Roll the film out of the cartridge to see if it is damaged. Follow my article on "How to roll the film out of an APS film cartridge".
If the film is actually cut into individual negatives, then you will probably have to take it to a custom photo lab.
Chieh Cheng
Wed Oct 9 08:55:12 PDT 2002
Couldn't belive how much negative goes to wast. APS is such a con. Could have fit 6 more exposures onto that film. Neg is half size of 35mm so quality is reduced. If I were you I'd learn how to load a film and stick to 35mm.
Sun Apr 27 12:21:25 PDT 2003
Liz, back when I was processing my own 35mm slides, I noticed that many more exposures could have been made on a 35mm roll, than just 24 or 36 shots. However, due to the winding mechanism, design tolerances, or whatever else reason, the full roll is not used. Some cameras, such as the Canon Rebel G, let you shoot as much as the roll would allow. But many others, such as the Elan IIe Would not. It automatically rewinds after the 24th, or the 36th shot.
Chieh Cheng
Mon Apr 28 09:17:44 PDT 2003
Before trying to get an APS film out of the cartridge, I would like to know how the film is attached at the inside end, and if the film comes completely out will I be able to get it back in?
Also I've been trying, at photographic shops and on the Internet, to find a simple mechanical device to do it, with no success so far. Does anyone know of such a device?
Tue Mar 2 11:12:07 PST 2004
The APS film is attached to the spool inside the cartridge. You can roll the film out, but it will not separate from the spool . . . unless you cut it, or pull real hard. As long as you don't detach the film from the cartridge, you can roll it back in.
Chieh Cheng
Tue Mar 2 11:31:18 PST 2004
I saw a photofinisher use a little plastic tool to use on the aps cartridge, when I asked him where he got it, he refused to tell me, saying that he would contact his supplier to see if he could get another one, the tool had little grooves there to fit into the slots to open the door and roll out the negatives, it doesn't really appear that a mini screwdriver would be able to do it.
Ron Drole
Mon, 28 Nov 2005 09:49:33 -0800
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