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Sony W30 Language Settings Problem

I recently received W30 from japan. Its a nice one., but the problem for me is that the menu is in japanese. I saw an online english manual to switch the menu to english. When i navigated into the menu, I cannot find a language option at all there. Is it becoz there is some firmware problem or sumthin?? I need to sumhow switch to english menu to understand all the options available. Please advise on what i shud do. can mail me at [email protected] thanks.

Wed, 14 Jun 2006 01:23:23 -0700

Hi Ramesh, I live here in Japan, and since the last few years, SONY have both a domestic and export product. The export models have English/foreign menu option, the domestic versions don't. Here, you have to pay around 5000-10,000Yen more for the export model, it's annoying. I recently bought an H1 domestic, because the export model was 12,000Yen more expensive... The menu options are the same in both, so get yourself an english manual off the 'web. I posted earlier in this forum re the same subject, I guess it's the firmware version the cam is loaded with, because the printed text on the buttons is in English, unlike everything else domestic in Japan, which is in Japanese...

I have a W30 too, good cam, it's a Japanese version, but so is my girlfriend...!



Chris Thomson
Thu, 15 Jun 2006 21:25:20 -0700

Thanks Chris,

The thing is, I have the english manual downloaded frm the web. I want to know if there is any way I can upgrade the firmware from a Sony service centre or any other place so that I get the english menu on the W30.
And also there is no language option at all in the menu...Its really annoying, what can I do about it??

Fri, 16 Jun 2006 04:38:08 -0700

Hi Ramesh, my guess is the same as yours, firmware. Sony has firmware updates for cameras with issues, (H2) but I have not found firmware for my H1, which has the Japanese only language, the same as your W30. Yes, it's annoying, but you get used to it, I'm having fun with my Japanese H1 and am not worried about the language now! Here in Japan, most camera shops don't realise that you can't change the language until just recently, they usually pick up the camera and fiddle with the menu's then give up...!! it's only with new Sony's I believe, it's annoying...



Chris Thomson
Sun, 18 Jun 2006 23:58:53 -0700

Hi Ramesh,

You may find this site useful as it has some animated images for the menu options. I just hope that the sequence is the same with that of the Japanese version.
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H1

Tue, 20 Jun 2006 05:17:34 -0700

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