Camera Hacker

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XP Crash SAKAE 82379 driver

I purchased the 82379 camera to play around with. Everytime I try to load the driver it crashed my XP system. It corrupts my audio, logitech camera and DVD drivers. It also causes a lot of file corruptions when it has to reboot. I have an ACER Aspire 9410 with the ORBICAM software loaded. I have also downloaded the software from the web site but it also does the same thing. The PhotoTags software works fine. Does anyone have any ideas.


Sam Tyler
Mon, 05 Mar 2007 12:09:09 -0800

my acer 9410 crashed.reloaded all and the camera is now giving trouble.
help i need it for msn and skype.wont load in either program.need software.

demos mitchell
Thu, 15 Mar 2007 11:46:28 -0800

Yeah, THROW ALL SAKAR CAMS AWAY IN THE GARBAGE.... then go get yourself a REAL camera. Granted, this company SAKAR does WONDERS in their razzle-dazzle marketing "spin" on ALL their products... they are all wrapped SO very smoothly, enticing, colorful, ALL kids love when they see this at the store. Then, what you find is a REALLY $H|++Y ENTIRE LINE OF PRODUCTS. I mean this isnt just about "A" singular bad product, ALL SAKAR CAMS ARE PIECES OF $H|T! To PROVE this, I DARE you to try and find ONE driver that is FUNCTIONAL for ANY of their cames, just look for one that will work. NONE WORK.

And in the long run Scott NOW knows why his girl-friend called him from work saying, "Scott, I found this really need camera pen in the trash, would you like it?" I said, "SURE!" with a gleam in my eye. 7 Hours later of thorough, intelligent and accurate research and I CLAIM that this company SAKAR should IMMEDIATELY CEASE & DESIST ALL PRODUCTION AND SALES OF ALL SAKAR CAMERAS, CAMS< DRIVERS and SOFTWARE.

How DARE they take advantage of ALL These people lised on this hopless SAKAR support site.

Peace, Love, & Light,

Scott Bruno
Warrior #13

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Scott Bruno
Tue, 02 Sep 2008 11:42:40 +0000

I bought a Sakar photo key chain and could not load any pictures in it so I called the company and they sent me new driver software and it still does not work, they say the problem is probably in my computer, so I tried it in my sons and had the same results. How can I get my money back or get this thing working?

Patricia Hatfield
Fri, 27 Feb 2009 13:40:00 +0000

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