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Sakar digital video camera 32480

I got the the 32480 for christmas and i cant seem to get it to recognize the memory cards. Have tried two. Got them at the place where they bought camera. Can anyone help? I cant find a working email for sakar customer support. Thanks.

Sun, 21 Jan 2007 16:05:32 -0800

Hi, I got the same thingy as a gift. But my problem is it runs out of batteries SO fast. A newly-recharged set of batteries would only last for 5 minutes max.

Any suggestion?

Here's something on Sakar technical support:

Website: Sakar International Inc

For technical support, visit website at

Or call 877-397-8200 or 732-476-5098 to access their technical support information on the phone.

Hope this helps.

La Denne
Tue, 14 Aug 2007 19:50:41 +0000

I have called several times on this camera due to the problems with the batteries. I have gotten another idenitcal camera as an exchange and have the same problem. I then talked to a supervisor who said he would check out a camera for me so that he knew the batteries would last and that was almost 2 months ago and I still have not received a new camera. Evidently none of their cameras batteries last. I am so disappointed in this company and camera. I think that they must be selling batteries as well since so many people have the same complaint. I think we all need to contact the Better Business Bureau. The only way to solve this problem for me is to refund all my monies including the monies I have spent on new batteries they told me to buy and phone calls to their company to get this problem solved. Plus the time I have wasted sitting on the phone waiting to talk to someone to help me with this problem.

Ramona Pikula
Sat, 15 Dec 2007 17:22:58 +0000

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