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I've just bought this camera for $19.95 at WalMart too and cannot get it to autoinstall w/ Windows 98SE. I've got some "known-issue" with my RPC stack that "rarely ever has been seen before." I've got a ticket open w/ Microsoft Tech Support, but have heard nothing from them.
In the meantime, CAN SOMEONE EMAIL ME JUST THE DRIVER? On Sakar's home page, they say the driver is too large to download and they will ship it to me, but who knows when that will happen.
Mine is the Gear to Go CyberPix Model 84379.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Carla Jones
Tue Jan 13 06:35:33 PST 2004
Forgot to mention that I've tried using extract and also WinZip to unzip the .cab files in the Drivers directory on the install media. extract says it's not a Microsoft Cab file and WinZip says it's not a valid archive! Imagine that! I too, am stuck w/ a product I can't use and can't take back because I threw away the original packaging. I do tech support and have never had this problem before. NOT GOOD.
Carla Jones
Tue Jan 13 06:42:45 PST 2004
My problem originated when I downgraded from WindowsXP back to Windows 98.
Four critical files are involved:
Apparently, these files were upgraded to
a higher level than most Autoinstall programs are looking for when Windows 98 is installed, therefore, if it encounters the higher version, the error occurrs and you are unable to run the InstallShield.
I found this information in Microsoft's Technet Articles 321915 and Q105810. Apparently Microsoft is in the process of revamping their articles and their search engine in their Knowledge Base did not find them on their site, but I did a search on "Microsoft +0x80070725"
(without the quotes) and found several links in Google which took me to the Articles in Microsoft's Knowledge Base.
Setup of the camera and it's software went smooth afterwards. The quality of the pictures are sometimes fuzzy, not always and is acceptable for the money. Not everyone can just run out and buy a $100 camera and just needs to get some pictures up to the web in a hurry and it serves the purpose.
Hope this information proves helpful to anyone else who may encounter the problem I had.
Thanks Chieh for your offer to help.
Carla Jones
Fri Jan 16 17:43:30 PST 2004
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