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Gear To Go CyberPix operational problems

I got this camera for Christmas and everything is working except when I try to download the pictures onto the computer. I open up the software that came with the camera and went to scanner/camera and then to aquire image. And then it said "no pictures in camera". I am a bit confused because I know for a fact that I took a picture. And yes, I did read the owners manual. I did what it said. I would like to know what is wrong and if I can fix it. Does someone know? Or give me some advice? I would sincerely appreciate it.

Fri Dec 26 14:55:46 PST 2003

I found the answer to my promblem! I hope this helps you also. I found this on
1) First, you must completely uninstall the software that shipped with your camera.
2) Turn your computer off. If the camera is still attached to the computer, disconnect it now (while the power is turned off).
3) Turn your computer on.
4) Download the newest available driver from the detail page for your product. The file will be in .zip format.
5) Extract this file to a temporary directory and run the "Setup.exe" program. If you do not have Winzip installed, you will need to download it from For help using Winzip, please visit
6) Follow the onscreen prompts. At the end of the installation, you will be asked to reboot. Select "No, I will restart my computer later."
7) Turn off your computer.
8) Attach the camera to your computer via the USB cable. (Note: The computer should still be turned off when the camera is attached).
9) Turn your computer on.
10) When Windows is finished loading, it may launch the Found New Hardware Wizard. If so, please follow the on screen prompts. If so, you're camera is now installed and ready to use. Disregard the following extra steps.
11) If the Found New Hardware Wizard did not launch, verify that the device was recognized correctly. Right-click on the My Computer icon on your desktop and select properties. Select the Hardware tab at the top. Click the button labeled Device Manager.
12) There should be a category labeled Imaging Devices. Clicking on the + sign next to it should display your camera. If so, you're camera is now installed and ready to use. Disregard the following extra steps.
13) If there is no such category, right click on any devices that have an exclamation point next to them and select uninstall or remove.
14) Go to Start, Settings, Control Panel and double click the icon labeled Add New Hardware. Follow the onscreen prompts and your hardware wil be installed.
15) You're camera is now installed and ready to use.

Fri Dec 26 15:19:06 PST 2003

Cortney's right. SAKAR does have a FAQ on their sight with those instructions. Basically installing new software/drivers. That's good. The bad news is it's a 225 MEGABYTE download, thats 15 hours for me and my dialup!!!

Happy New Year

Thu Jan 1 09:37:42 PST 2004

I have bought a second Gear To Go Sakar $20 camera. You get what you pay for. At first I could not download the pics from the camera. I then uninstalled the software making sure to manually remove the program folder for the drive. I then resinstalled the program making sure that the USB cable was not attached to the computer during the process. I also changed USB ports. It worked fine after that - but only when I followed the instructions to the letter. Remember, this is only a $20 camera.

Larry Smith
Mon Jan 19 20:15:30 PST 2004

I have the Gear to Go Cyberpix 84379 and it's pissing me off. I did everything the instructions told me to do. I even re-installed it but no use. I have the driver cd and still nothing. Everytime I go to retrieve my pictures its telling me that "No photos in camera" and I know there is cause I took all 19 of them. Can someone tell me what I should do? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.

Sun Jun 6 14:04:03 PDT 2004

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