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I have a kodak c310. The camera doesn't want to power up. Sometimes it will after being on for about a minute but then it only shows the kodak easyshare logo on the screen. Then it will go away to a black screen again. Sometimes it will come on and ask to reset date & time. But it will not allow me to set it. When I try to turn the camera off, it wont shut off or the green light will just blink. I have to take the batteries out to shut it off. I have tried taking the batteries out and the memory card, starting over and still no luck. The camera is basically nonfunctional. I bought it in March of this year, but I have lost the receipt so I can't send it in under warranty. Can you help???
Thu, 08 Jun 2006 19:14:27 -0700
Hello, Tammie:
Have you tried connecting the C33 to your computer, with its USB cable? It may be better, yet, if you happen to own a compatible Kodak camera dock (or printer dock).
However, I'm unsure how helpful it would be, even if the PC could access the C33. If you bought it locally, it's conceivable that the store might be able to print a new copy of the original receipt, as it could still be stored electronically, somewhere. (And you know the camera's serial number, right?)
Good luck, in any event!
John Turco
Fri, 09 Jun 2006 22:54:34 -0700
Hello, Tammie:
Sorry, I meant to write, "C310," not, "C33," in my first reply.
John Turco
Fri, 09 Jun 2006 23:03:02 -0700
Tammie, try using a brand new set of batteries if you haven't already. It sounds like it's simply choking on boot-up from power loss, which could explain why you can't get it rolling. If that's not the case, try to find out if you can reset tha camera or anything like that on kodak's website. Good luck
pete harris
Sun, 02 Jul 2006 19:23:56 -0700
I had been experiencing the same problems with the C310 Easyshare, a Kodak product.
My friend bought it in the US as a gift for me, I'm residing in the Philippines.
I had tried to bring the item for repair, yet, they wouldn't accept the item as the Kodak shops here are limited.
Can you please help?
Thu, 28 Dec 2006 04:27:14 -0800
Did you try what John suggested above?
Chieh Cheng
Thu, 28 Dec 2006 10:24:57 -0800
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