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Need help modding my DX3700

Not really certain that this website is still active, but figured I'd take a shot. Found a simple guide to convert a normal cam into one that can take IR photos. Process went well enough but left me with a few issues... most of which I can fix on my own, but with one or two that I cant.

I now need to either modify the white levels and/or the shutter speed when taking a photo. The camera is old enough that neither of these are an option on the camera. Would it be at all possible to modify the firmware to change the whiteness or change the shutter speed? Neither would need to be changeable once I find the right value.

Any answers or help would be appreciated. I'm also attaching the firmware download from the Kodak site in case that helps.

Attached File: Flash.bin (705 KB)

Mon, 26 Jan 2009 22:09:53 +0000

Doesn't your camera have auto-exposure? If so, your camera will already take care of the shutter speed for you.

The white balance will be off. One solution is to convert your images into B/W. Then white balance will not matter.

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 26 Jan 2009 22:15:55 +0000

Right it does have auto exposure, but to convert it for IR I heard it either needs more light and/or to adjust the white balance. I'll try converting the images to B&W to see how things look, that might help a bit. If it doesn't I might still need to find a way to adjust the shutter speed. Once again assuming that you can modify it somehow. Thanks for the B&W idea.

Tue, 27 Jan 2009 18:09:12 +0000

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