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Sony Digital8 that would play back Video8 and Hi8

I sure hope someone reallllly knows the answer to this. I get a different answer every time I call Sony.

The LAST call, the tech stated that the ONLY DIGITAL8 Handycams that would play back both Hi8 and Video8 [standard 8] tapes that I have around the house are TRV-350 and TRV-480. Is that true? I need to just get the images off of my old standard and Hi8 tapes that are lying around.... and get them burned to dvd's. I hate to spend the money, as that is the only reason I need the camera. I just can't afford to buy one and then find out I get NOISE on the older standard 8mm tapes. I was close to purchasing a TRV-330 and then a TRV-338 when I read the owner's manuals and saw they won't play them unless the same camera records them.

Please tell me if the last Sony guy was right about the TRV-350 and TRV-480.

Thanks so much! [email protected] Angie

Angie Little
Wed, 29 Aug 2007 22:51:04 +0000

He might be right. The only Digital8 camcorder on Sony's site is the DCR-TRV280, which doesn't seem to indicate that it could playback Video8 nor Hi8 videos.

On the other hand, you can get the CCD-TRV138, which is a Hi8 camcorder that can only record and playback Video8 and Hi8 videos. But can't record nor playback Digital8 DV format.

Sony does have GV-D200 Digital8 Video Walkman VCR and GV-D800 Digital8 Video Walkman VCR that could playback Digital8, Hi8, and Video8, while record in Digital8 format.

If none of these products fit your need, then you'll have to look for a old DCR-TRV350 on eBay. These obsolete technology are disappearing from the market.

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 29 Aug 2007 23:34:22 +0000


i can confirm that the TRV-350 WILL play back older analog tapes. i bought this camera to do just that and it works just fine. i am also 'recording' onto the older tapes (8mm) with this camera for acceptable quality, even though i think they say it won't.

i've been copying my older tapes by feeding them into the computer via USB cable.

i just bought some Hi8 tapes made for Digital Camcorders and i hope to compare the two results soon so i can't comment on which tape to use, but i would think the Hi8 should provide superior results. But the 8mm tapes i made with my old Canon analog camcorder over 12 yrs ago DO play just fine in the TRV-350.

j newcomer
Fri, 28 Sep 2007 00:55:41 +0000

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