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nikon sdk

Dear all,

The first of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Ara Macao. I amm trying to use an SDK to remote control FOUR Nikon 60D. I have download it from Nikon web page. Reading some help files, I have found that the sdk module cannot control two or more cameras. Do you know how can I solve this? I have thougth in running four programs in order to manage each camera. Other hipotetical solution is intalling virtual machines in my computer. Besides, I am attaching the file in the Nikon SDK where says this.


Attached File: ReadMe_Eng.txt (3 KB)

Fri, 09 Oct 2009 09:01:58 +0000

Another way may be to have two or more computers controlling the cameras. Then one computer would Remote Desktop (assuming you are using Windows) to the other computers to remotely control what they do. It could potentially be automated using AutoHotkey.

You didn't mention what is your goal or what environment the set-up is going to be used in. So not sure how feasible my suggestion is with regard to your project.

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 09 Oct 2009 15:51:13 +0000

Dear Chieh,
Thank you very much for your fast reply. In fact, I am thinking in a authomatic device which take some pictures simultaneusly every N seconds. The Remote Desktop is not a good solution because I am going to use only one computer. I have read that Canon SDK is able to manage more than one camera simultaneusly. Do you know someone, some forum, ... which has perform this application?

Thank you in advanced,

Ara Macao.

Tue, 13 Oct 2009 09:24:28 +0000

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