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Nikon Instruments Software Developer's Kits

It appears that Nikon has finally made their SDK's available to developers. They are available at the NISDK web site. Although available to the public, you will have to join the NISDK community and have your application approved, unless you are invited. I just applied and haven't gotten appoved yet, so I don't know exactly what SDK's are available. The welcome page does indicate that there are "Software Developer's Kits for Nikon Instruments Electronic Cameras and Microscopes".

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 22 Jun 2005 13:34:54 -0700

Upon reviewing my application, the NISDK administrator asked me to tell him a little bit about myself and how I used their products. This bio was an optional field on the application. I would have provided it on the application if they had indicated that it was needed for approval. But request correspondence was courteous, so I had no problem providing that information.

His reply clarified that the NISDK are intended for instrumentation cameras and microscopes, not consumer digital cameras:

"It sounds as if you are interested in our consumer digital cameras. The NISDK on-line community was intended to support developers using instrumentation cameras and microscopes. Accordingly, you will not find any support for consumer digital cameras on NISDK."

He was helpful and pointed to where I can apply for the Nikon consumer digital camera SDK:

How to get a Nikon Software Developers Kit (SDK)

The links above provides the application forms for you to download and fill out. It has all the instructions for the application process, the digital camera models supported, and the SDK components provided. It contains quite a bit of technical information for an application instruction page.

Chieh Cheng
Thu, 23 Jun 2005 14:47:27 -0700

It sounds as if you are interested in our consumer digital cameras. The
NISDK on-line community was intended to support developers using
instrumentation cameras and microscopes. Accordingly, you will not find
any support for consumer digital cameras on NISDK

Sun, 10 Jul 2005 16:23:52 -0700

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