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Unimpressed with Canon EF 24-85mm, but impressed with Canon Elph Jr.

hi, i just started getting into photography but i read the revewis on your site

i bought the canon eos ix with the sigma 28-80 microzoom asph. is that the same lens you were talking about when you compared it to the canon 24-85? i was under the impression from all the reviews and comments on the internet that the sigma 28-80 is pretty much one of the worst lenses to have, and that the 24-85 would be a lot better. I know i need to go out and take some shots with the lenses to compre for myself but i'm just looking for a bit of input. do you recommend not going for the canon 24-85 and trading in my sigma 28-80? how about the canon 28-105? will that make a difference to improve my pictures? I've been mostly just printout out the 4x7's a few 4x6's and the once in a awhile 4x10. i dont have much of a budget so if i change lenses it'll most likely be my standard zoom for the next several years. thanks for any suggestions

Mon May 28 23:32:20 PDT 2001

Yes. The point I was making is that it's the photographer who makes the image, not the lens.

The Canon 24-85mm lens is definitely better than the sigma 28-80 lens. It might get you sharper pictures, but it won't get you "better" pictures. As I said before, the lens doesn't make the image, the photographer does. Save your money and learn photography, such as composition, balance, and technique. When you understand these concepts, you will be able to answer for yourself whether the Sigma 28-80mm lens is sufficient.

Chieh Cheng
Mon May 28 23:33:26 PDT 2001

I have used this lens as a major workhorse for the past several years. I put as many as 400 rolls a year through it and most of my sales have been through that lens. It focuses well under dim conditions and is very rugged.

tom mitchell/
Thu Oct 31 06:07:22 PST 2002

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