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Tokina AT-X 165 PRO DX AF 16-50mm f/2.8 Lens

Depending on what level of photography is your focus, this lens may be for you. A true professional of course will never find one lens that can do it all, and in that case you will still have to haul around your gear – sorry! But for the professional that tends to do one set shot, like portraits and night photography, or if you want something a little tougher for those everyday outdoor shots, then this one is for you. This lens is also suitable and ideal for any photography enthusiast who wants an entry level professional grade quality lens at a very attractive price. Released in 2007, this lens may be purchased new for around $650, but you may also be able to find a deal on one that is used. This Tokina will mount nicely onto either Nikon (AF D) or Cannon (EF) SLRs.

It is rugged, solid, and sports an all-weather design. The lens itself has a water repellent optical coating to prevent water spots or fingerprints from damaging the lens. Make no mistake, it is not waterproof, but it will hold up nicely for everyday outdoor use.

This lens' claim to fame and its more notable feature is its durable, solid construction. Overall this lens is a great everyday lens, offering consistent output and vibrant images. It is highly recommended, and highly reviewed by purchasers. It is simply, the best bang for your buck!

Weaknesses would be, as noted by the manufacture, “Will not AF when used on Nikon D40 SLR camera body.” What this essentially means is that this lens will prevent the Nikon's auto-focus function from operating. I think many purchasers were a little disappointed by this fact, and must have glossed over the details or they did not realize how much they actually rely on this feature to grab a shot quickly and were disappointed after the fact. Second, also as noted by the manufacture, this lens is “not designed for cameras with Full Frame sensors”. But these are the limited weaknesses of the design. Depending on which camera you have, you may be able to work around these limitations.

The focus ring is a value-added feature that allows the photographer to easily switch between AF and MF, and depending on the habits you have created for yourself, this feature is both a curse and blessing. Nimble fingers will love this ease of control and will capitalize on this feature. Others, however, will not love loosing their adjustments so easily and will have to start over.

You will however love the sharpness of your images, and may be willing to forgo all other compromises for the durability of this affordable lens. The bottom line is that this lens is great value for the price, but it will not satisfy everyone, not will it work for every setting. It is recommended for hobbyists, enthusiasts, photojournalists (or anyone needing a less fragile lens), and it is well suited for outdoor, low light shots, night shots, and portraits.

Wed, 22 Apr 2009 17:44:05 +0000

I agree, I myself have this lens and am in love with the picture quality.

I have used the following lenses as a "walk around" lens
Canon 18-55, Canon 18-55 IS, Canon 28-135 IS, Canon 10-22
Other than the Canon 10-22 Lenses, they were all "fine" nice pictures.. but not FANTASTIC.
the 10-22 is a GREAT lens, but not suitable as a walk-around lens...

Now that I've bought the Tokina 16-50 2.8, I've barely had the need to remove the lens. GREAT for Travel as well.
I've brought it with me all over the place and I'm more than satisfied by the quality of the pictures produced with this lens.

I would HIGHLY recommend this lens.

Mon, 13 Dec 2010 01:33:47 +0000

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