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Tokina AT-X 107 DX Fish-Eye AF 10-17mm f/3.5-4.5 - The Ultimate Lens

Third party camera lenses are a good accessory for your digital SLR camera. A lens acts as the 'eye' for your camera determining how your camera sees the subject and how that information is transmitted to the camera's sensor. This can greatly enhance your photography efforts. However if you are going to purchase one, you need to be sure if it's compatible with your specific camera. The Tokina AT-X 107 DX Fish-Eye AF 10-17mm f/3.5-4.5" Lens is designed for APS-C sensor digital SLRs, it's a full frame fish eye lens that gives you the photographer a 180-degree field of view with a fish eye effect. It can capture a view wider than that of a human eye. It has a water and oil repellent optical coating on the front glass with a fluoride compound which makes it easier to clean should it be smeared with fingerprints or oils.

The Tokina AT-X 107 DX Fish-Eye AF 10-17mm f/3.5-4.5" has a focal length of between 10mm and 17mm, therefore it can be classified as a wide angle lens. It also includes both auto focus and manual focus. The lens is relatively small with a diameter of about 2.75 inches and a length of about 2.95 inches. It's also light with a weight of about 350 grams. The lens comes in with mounts for Nikon and Cannon cameras which can be a disadvantage for those who own different models. it also has a built in lens hood and a rotary type zoom system. However it does require additional filters and a lens hood cap as they are not included when purchasing.

One of the main advantages of this lens is that you can be close to the subject and still capture it in full; this makes it ideal for activities such as photojournalism or capturing landscapes for real estate marketing. It does not produce flare unless you are shooting directly into the sun .With both auto and manual focus the lens allows you to take all kinds of photos even blue skies which cannot be captured well with auto focus only. The image circle of the lens is created to match the smaller image recording area in most digital SLRs which ensures precise optical performance of the digital camera's imaging capability. The lens has a high ranking among many users and is available in most online stores therefore purchasing one is not that hard. This is the kind of lens that you can use to take a photo of your friend, at night, with only one street light on! I have tried it with a Nikon D40 and its awesome.

Mon, 04 May 2009 13:07:53 +0000

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