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Sigma APO 200-500mm (400-1000mm) F2.8 EX DG -- The Ultra Telephoto Zoom Lens

Sigma Corporation, a Japan based well known company which specializes in the areas of producing cameras, lenses, flashes and many other photographic accessories. They are so special in producing the lenses being that are often compatible with many of the cameras manufactured by other companies too. Sigma APO 200 to 500mm F2.8 EX DG is one such SLR Lens produced by Sigma Corporation.

Sigma has been so proud to release the world's first ultra telephoto zoom lens, Sigma APO 200 to 500mm F2.8 EX DG, which gives the fastest aperture of F2.8 at the range of 500mm focal length and F5.6 at the range of 1000mm. It is capable of covering the most used focal lengths that ranges from 200mm to 500mm and it has a large aperture of F2.8 all through the zoom range. The Sigma APO 200 to 500mm F2.8 EX DG lens is an exciting product from Sigma that can be used to create amazing images with best quality. It can be used for different kinds of photography such as telephotography, portraits, wildlife, sports. The quality of the images is achieved through the Special Low Dispersion glass and three Extraordinary Low Dispersion glass elements which have been used in this lens to provide excellent correction. There is also a super multi-layer coating over this lens which helps in reducing the flare and ghosting.

Sigma APO 200 to 500mm F2.8 lens has got many salient features which can be listed as follows. The lens is made up of 13 groups 17 elements. It has a Maximum Magnification ratio of 1:7.7 and an angle of view 12.3 degrees 5 degrees. It also has a rear filter of size 72mm and it has 9 pieces of blades. It measures about 236.5 mm × 726 mm in its length, breadth dimension and it has a minimum aperture of F22 including the hood. It is capable of focusing up to a minimum Focusing Distance 200 to 500 cm and it weighs about 15,700 grams.

This lens comes with some exciting accessories which are very much useful for the photographers. The Sigma APO 200 to 500 mm Lens comes with the following accessories: a dedicated hard case, a holding Strap, a 400 to 1000 mm F/5.6 teleconverter attachment, battery charger BC-21 and a battery pack BP-21. The lens hood has been designed absolutely for this lens which is useful in blocking out superfluous light. This lens also features a 72 mm filter that can be inserted at the rear portion of the lens, and it includes a circular polarizing filter which is useful in certain situations. This lens features an excellent Li-ion battery BP-21 which is very powerful and it is used to enhance the zooming and AF operation. This battery unit can be seen inside the lens barrel. To ease the photographers, the focusing distances and focal lengths are displayed on the LCD panel of the lens.

Mon, 22 Mar 2010 13:45:00 +0000

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