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To me there are two types of photography. There is the snap happy, walk around clicking madly at everything and anything that life passes you by, snapping every moment of that perfect pitch or quarterback's throw or even getting on the tram, on the tram, getting off the tram, photo outside of the tram. You get the idea. Although this kind of photography does have its benefits, you don't miss a thing for one, to me it does not provide the same pleasure of crafting, nurturing and delicately creating a scene then capturing it perfectly just as you imagined.
If the latter rings true to you as well then you MUST examine macro photography. I have been a semi-professional, mainly macro photographer for 5 years and this is honestly the best mid-range lens that I have had the pleasure of using. The 2.8 aperture lens has a minimum range of just over 7 inches and is particularly good at taking photos of flatter objects – stamps, cards that sort of thing. The lens' websites says this is because of a ߵflat field' front lent element but I noticed this before I'd read about it!!
When you have spent hours tweaking that leaf, gently persuading that brightly coloured butterfly to sit quietly and munch on its lunch, the last thing you need is for the lens on the end of your decent SLR camera to let you down. This lens simply will not. The wide aperture lets enough light in to freeze time and stop life at that critical moment and the special low dispersion glass elements ensure that colours are locked in tightly. I have found the auto focus feature particularly responsive and accurate, something which I find a bit tricky with other mid-range lenses.
Don't get me wrong, this lens is not perfect. The sun catches glare more often than with other lenses and it is a bit on the pricey side, however you hopefully will not be using the macro lens as a point and click type object, nor will you be expecting a bargain basement return on your investment. However you do get a hell of a lot of lens for your money. I have found it hard wearing, despite taking a few knocks at the bottom of my camera bag it is still defiantly in one piece. It is an above average lens for the money and would recommend it to anyone.
Tue, 20 Dec 2011 01:01:04 +0300
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