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Sigma 20mm F1.8 EX DG Lens

The Sigma 20mm F1.8 EX DG Lens is a super wide angle lens with a macro feature. The aperture is large at F1.8. Canon don't offer a lens this wide with an aperture this wide. The nearest one offer is a f2.8 20mm lens. That makes this third party lens worth considering if you need this wide an aperture.

Out of the box the lens feels solid and well made. The glass is good quality and ecological being both arsenic and lead free. General build quality is excellent for the price. It is not too heavy which makes it a usable piece of kit. The iris has 9 diaphragm blades.

The pictures the lens produces are on the whole sharp and good quality. From f2.8 to and f4.5 image quality is excellent. At f1.8 it is a little soft. This can be disappointing if you are expecting sharp images, especially if you consider the wide aperture to be a selling point. However in general, in this price range the image quality is outstanding value. At f5.6 the lens really peaks. The images are outstandingly sharp. On the downside the boarders of the image are not as sharp as it could be and vignetting does occur, this is not necessary a downside to the product, if you enjoy shooting with soft focus and vignetting this is an excellent lens and can achieve some very atmospheric images. Especially in black and white. You should bear this in mind when considering a purchase.

It does occasionally flare, more so than the rival Canon lens. The Sigma lens is good in low light.

The auto focus is fast and feels well made. The Sigma clutch system is a little loud as it focuses when compared to some of it's more expensive rivals. It does the job well on the whole.

The filter size is 82mm which is not ideal. Especially for shooting landscapes.

At close range the lens performs well. It also answers very well for wide angle landscape shots.

A 20mm prime lens that opens up to f1.8 is a rare thing. This may be the only one on the market. The usefulness of the lens at f1.8 depends entirely on the images you wish to achieve. If you shoot in low light conditions such as wedding churches or live gigs then this is a must have piece of kit. This lens is excellent value available for a little over $300. If you make the decision to purchase one it will spend a lot of time in your camera bag. It is a very useful lens at a good price. There are better lens available but not everyone has an unlimited budget. This lens provides a lot of bang for the buck.

Mon, 10 Oct 2011 21:16:51 +0000

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