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Sigma 15mm F2.8 EX DG DIAGONAL Fisheye -- A Precise Lens for Photography

Sigma Corporation is a Japanese company well-known for cameras, flashes, lenses and other photographic accessories. Their factory is in Bandai, Fukushima, Japan. Sigma launched a new fisheye lens called Sigma 15mm F2.8 EX DG DIAGONAL Fisheye Lens.

The size of the lens is 73.5 x 65 mm (2.8 x 2.5 inches) (Diameter x Length). The lens gets constructed with a combination of seven different elements in six different groups. The focal length of this lens is 15 mm. The lens minimum aperture is f/22. The angle of view offered by this lens is 180 degrees. The minimum focusing distance of the lens is 15 cm. (5.9 inches). The maximum magnification ratio offered by the lens is 1:3.8. It contains seven diaphragm blades in it.

This DIAGONAL Fisheye lens is pretty sharp and wide open. The lens produces excellent images with exaggerated perspective of the near subjects. The barrel distortion is very extreme at the surrounding areas. The lens offers smooth focusing throughout the entire zoom range. It includes a gelatin filter at the rear side. The close focusing combines a large depth of field capability which allows close up photography that covers the objects surrounding the subject. The focus speed of this lens is really fast. This lens gets designed for use with full frame digital SLR (Single Lens Reflex) cameras.

The lens provides sharp images at f/4. The lens is diagonally optimized and is well equipped with an advanced multi-layer coating. This multi-layer coating reduces the flare and ghosting nicely. It has a built-in fixed petal type of lens hood for mounting the lenses. The corresponding AF mounts of this lens are Sigma, Canon, Nikon, Sony/Minolta and Pentax. The lens is flare resistant and so the user can shoot directly into the sun using this lens. It bears an excellent contrast and very bright colors. The lens is very light and compact and so it can be used with ease.

This DIAGONAL Fisheye lens provides accurate color balance and high definition results. The lens weighs 370 grams (13.0 ounces). The supplied accessories comes with this lens are gelatin filter holder and a filter padded case. It has a solid build quality and it is an affordable lens. Sigma 15mm F2.8 EX DG DIAGONAL Fisheye lens is priced around 750 US Dollars. The users can shoot error free images using this lens and it is turned out to be an excellent lens for the photographers.

Sun, 02 May 2010 10:28:53 +0000

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