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A Photographer's Worthy Companion - Sigma APO 50-150mm F2.8 II EX DC HSM

If you have used the latest telephoto zoom lens launched by Sigma Corporation, the Sigma APO 50-150mm F2.8 II EX DC HSM, you would have realized that you have a great companion for your SLR camera. It incorporates the very latest technology in the optical field. This telephoto zoom lens has been specially designed and constructed for SLR digital Cameras to give you some of the best corrections for flare, ghosting and every form of aberrations. Zoom of a high quality is maintained throughout the entire range. Its incorporates glass-mold as well as hybrid aspherical lens in a specially designed technology which gives high class peripheral brightness, has extremely high quality image output and is compact and lightweight in construction. Special Low Dispersion (SLD) and Extraordinary Low Dispersion (ELD) glass elements, four in number, are used for optimally correcting chromatic aberrations thus justifying the APO designation. The lens has super multilayer coating which reduces flare as well as ghosting, which is a rather common problem with digital cameras.

Equipped with a Hyper Sonic Motor (HSM), it ensures almost soundless operation of the auto focus system at high speeds, it is definitely constructed for professionals. The focusing sustem being internally controlled, ther is no outward rotation of lens. Compact and light weight, it weighs a very low 27 ounces or 1.7 pounds and is 76.33 mm or 3.0” in diameter and 132.6 mm or 5.2” in length. Some of its other features are:

� Filter size : 67 mm.
� Diagonal view angle: 27-9 to 9.5 degrees.
� Mounts: Nikon AF, Sigma AF and Cannon AF
� Casing: Lenshood softcase.
� Optional extras: 1.4x EX DG APO Tele Converter to convert it to 70-210mm F4 AF tele-zoom or 2x EX DG APO to convert it to 100-300mm F5.6 AF ultra-telephoto zoom lens.
� Focusing: Auto and Manual
� Aperture: F2.8
� Minimum focusing distance: 20 cm (7.9”)
� Maximum magnification: 1:3

It is an ideal companion if you are interested in sports photography or action photography. If you plan to capture the special moments when your children are riding a horse or swimming in the pool or even taking part in their school sports events, with sharp and focused shots, from long distance or even close up, this is the right piece of equipment you need. If you are a professional photographer, you can use your camera with the sigma to get great looking photographs. Being easy to operate and handle, it can be fitted with most popular brands of cameras of most manufacturers.

If you do not have a zoom as yet for your camera, and are planning on buying one to complement your camera, you can definitely give a thought to buying the Sigma 50-150mm F/2.8 APO EX DC HSM. Your photographs will stand out and bring you laurels. At a street price of $680, it is reasonably priced and far cheaper than most other models available in the market. So why are you waiting? Just go out and check it out at your nearest store.

Manoj T
Sun, 22 Mar 2009 08:52:34 +0000

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