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Panasonic LUMIX G VARIO HD 14-140mm F4.0-5.8 Aspherical MEGA O.I.S. lens review

On March of 2009 Panasonic released the LUMIX G VARIO HD 14-140mm/F4.0-5.8 Aspherical MEGA O.I.S. SLR Lens, a standard interchangeable zoom lens that joined the family of the LUMIX G Micro system.

The lens makes use of an inner focus direct-drive motor for focusing, which allows for photo and video capture with smooth and silent autofocus. Since this fantastic lens range of 14mm to 140mm, which is in effect 28-280mm for standard 35mm cameras, it can be utilized for a variety of scenarios that demands versatility in a camera lens. You can make both wide shots and long shots without having to interchange lenses. You can take pictures of everything from landscapes to portraits without having to reach for your other lenses or exposing the sensor to dust/contamination. The lens is sturdy, compact, and lightweight, perfect for walk about shooting without putting too much physical exertion for the operator.

The lens is comprised of a series of four aspherical lenses and two ED lenses which aids in reducing chromatic aberration as well as distortion. The proprietary Optical Image Stabilizer (which is what OIS stands for) vastly reduces shake and blur, so that you can produce pristine clarity shots even without stabilizing gear such as a tripod. This is similar to the USM found in Canon lenses. The lens also makes use of a metal mount and it is multi-coated so that ghosting and lens flares will be kept at a minimum. It goes without saying that the optical performance is superb.

Most users who are considering using this lens are most likely planning to use it in conjunction with the recently released Lumix DMC-GH1. When used together, photographers will enjoy the benefits of pristine 1080p/24p or 720p/60p video recording. Also, together the camera and lens can provide for Facial Recognition shooting, which is a benefit of the advanced contrast autofocus system.

The Panasonic Lumix G Vario HD 14-140mm/F4.0-5.8 ASPH./MEGA O.I.S. is a lens that is quite affordable given what it is capable for and has been available for almost a year in most retail channels. The lens is available for purchase at any major retailer of photographic equipment, such as B&H and Adorama. The retail price is approximately $850 for the lens alone before taxes, and it is also available as a kit along with the LUMIX GH1 for $1380 before taxes. Given all of the benefits that this lens provides, it would be a glaring omission for any budding photographer/ amateur videographer not to have it in their arsenal of favorite lenses (especially if they plan on using the LUMIX GH1).

Sun, 27 Dec 2009 07:43:08 +0000

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