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Leica NOCTILUX-M 50 mm f/0.95 Aspherical Lens

The Leica NOCTILUX-M 50 mm f/0.95 Aspherical Lens is the fastest aspherical lens in the entire worlds. That in itself is a major selling point of this Leica lens but it is only part of the story. The lens is much more than just a quick lens.

Certainly at the price it should be. This is a piece of kit that retails at over �7000. The price certainly means that this lens will be reserved for professional and wealthy amateurs only. As the saying goes price is what you pay, value is what you get. Certainly if you are not subject to a tight budget this lens is a worthwhile addition to your camera bag.

The Lens is hand assembled in Solms, Germany. The build quality is top class. The materials are high quality and certainly fitting of the price. The glass is the best available. The lens is only built by a handful of trusted workers. The company can only trust is record breaking lens to its top workers.

The lens clearly performs extremely well in low light. It is faster than the human eye and an improvement on its impressive processor which itself is a well renowned piece of kit.

That Lens the Leica Noctilux-M 50 mm f/1 ASPH has been in existance since 1975 and held the fastest lens record for over 30 years. Lecia have broken their own record with a lens they nickname the king of the night.

Lens makers have attempted to make and aspherical lens with this kind of speed for many years, previous efforts from Canon have been impressive but this lens surpasses them. Sharpness is astounding, even in low light conditions. It is an excellent lens for portrait photography. The depth of field is low making it extremely suitable for this application.

If you need a lens for portraits and detailed studies in low light conditions then quite simply there is not better lens in the world. It is without equal. Vignetting and distortion are improved on its already impressive predecessor. Image quality in general is outstanding.

This is not a lens for everyone. It is a shame because it is a lens that almost every photographer would love to own. For the lucky one with the available budget to add this latest effort from Leica to their kit there will be no buyer's remorse. There is no better lens for this application in the world.

Tue, 11 Oct 2011 19:28:24 +0000

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