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LEICA ELMARIT-M 28 mm f/2.8 ASPH - The High-Speed Wide Angle lens

Leica is a German company well-known for producing cameras, microscopes and geosurvey equipment. Leica introduced a high-speed compact lens in the Leica M series called LEICA ELMARIT-M 28 mm f/2.8 ASPH Lens. It includes an aspherical element which offers excellent imaging performance.

The lens gets constructed in a combination of eight elements in six groups. The barrel, aperture ring and focus ring is made of black anodized aluminium. The lens includes one aspherical surface as well. The size of this lens is 52 x 30 mm (2.05 x 1.18 inches) (diameter x length). The focal length of the lens is 28.5 mm. It contains 10 diaphragm blades in it. The diaphragm is straight at f/4, inwardly curved from the range f/5.6 to f/11 and becomes straight again from the range f/16 to f/22. The maximum reproduction ratio of this lens is 1:22.

This lens is the smallest that Leica has ever made in the M series. This lens is an extreme wide angle lens offering high quality pictures. The first 28 mm of this lens does not get a way to the viewfinder. The other 28 mm lenses are bigger in size and so they block the lower right portion of viewfinder. The filter size used in this lens is 39 mm, which is similar to the other Leica lenses. It provides superb sharpness while tracking on subjects. It offers a close up shot of 0.7 m (27.6 inches).

When this lens gets used on digital M8, it provides the effect of 35 mm lens which is very ideal for reportage. The distortion is completely avoided in this lens and so the images obtained from this lens are crystal clear. This ELMARIT-M 28 mm f/2.8 ASPH lens is not sensitive to flare. This lens comes with a lens hood, M bayonet and lens cap E39. The hood is made of plastic with metal catches. The mount is dull chromed brass. It contains a Nappa leather case and a warranty card as well.

The lens cap comes in three, standard M rear cap, slip on metal front cap and floppy rectangular plastic cover for the hood. The lens weighs 173.18 grams (6.10 ounces) with no caps or hood and it weighs 197.55 grams (6.97 ounces) with hood and both caps. Leica specifies the weight of ELMARIT-M 28 mm f/2.8 ASPH lens as 180 grams (6.35 ounces). This LEICA ELMARIT-M 28 mm f/2.8 ASPH Lens is priced around 1800 US Dollars.

Thu, 08 Apr 2010 11:03:43 +0000

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