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LEICA ELMARIT-M 21 mm f/2.8 ASPH -- For Lively Experience

Leica, a German based company, is well known for manufacturing products such as cameras, microscopes and geo-survey equipments. Now Leica has introduced it's most powerful and practical ultra wide lens. This lens is targeted towards Leica's full-frame M rangefinder cameras which include Leica M7 model cameras, which is in market these days. This lens comes in two attractive colors, black and chrome. The black version of this lens weighs about 300 grams and the chrome version weighs about 415 grams. The chrome version of this lens is made up of brass everywhere, whereas the black lens is made of aluminum. This creates the difference in weights between the two versions.

This lens is made of 9 elements in 7 groups and it has an aspheric surface. It has the angle view of 92 degrees in the Diagonal, 81 degrees in the Horizontal view and 59 degrees in the Vertical view. It comes with a thread pitch measuring Standard 55mm, 0.75mm. It has a diaphragm with 8 straight blades which stop down to only f/16 in half-stop clicks. It has a perfectly designed hood and caps, and the hood is designed in such a way that it keeps your fingers away while taking pictures. It also features an anodized aluminum base along with a molded plastic front body. Switches are provided along the sides to release catches to lock it over the front of the lens. The clip-on hood is capable of clipping over a 55mm filter and hence it protects any filter up to 55mm.

LEICA ELMARIT-M 21 mm f/2.8 ASPHERICAL lens features a rangefinder-coupled focus along with an accurate metering which helps it to work fine with any M camera made since 1954. It also works well with Leica's half-frame M8 and M8.2, but most people do not prefer to use this ultra-wide lens on a half-frame camera. This lens is called as f/2.8 and the term ASPH used in its name is short for “aspherical”. As its name states, the actual focal length of this lens is 21.3mm. The digital resolution of images captured using this lens would be 25 MP.

Altogether, this compact extreme wide-angle lens is capable of producing images of outstanding quality and contrast with detail rendition at full aperture. The Leica image quality is maintained even for the images captured in the close-up range. Distortions in the images are minimal and are highly negligible in photographer's point of view. It provides sharp dramatic pictures which reflect liveliness in the photographs.

Wed, 24 Feb 2010 07:34:19 +0000

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