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LEICA ELMAR-M 24 mm f/3.8 ASPH - A Wide Angle Lens for Exceptional Photography

Leica is a German company well known for producing cameras, microscopes and geosurvey equipment. Leica launched its compact ultra wide angle lens called LEICA ELMAR-M 24 mm F3.8 ASPH. Single Lens Reflex (SLR) Lens. This lens is a short focal length lens designed for the Leica M system. This lens can be used on all types of analog Leica M models. It provides extremely wide angle of view. It includes high imaging performance and so it provides excellent photography experience.

ELMAR-M 24 mm F3.8 ASPH is best suitable for photojournalistic reports, portrait, landscape and architectural photography. It contains two excellent features which is really worthy for users. It has a superlative resolution and high contrast at maximum aperture which gets maintained throughout the close focus range. This ELMAR-M 24 mm F3.8 ASPH lens is very suitable for taking the shots in the snapshot mode with the new releases of Leica M cameras. It provides outstanding performance which gets achieved with the minimum input at moderate cost.

This lens got excellent features and they can be listed as follows. This lens has got brilliant aperture range, which gets used extensively for getting exceptional outputs. The maximum aperture of this lens is F3.8 and the minimum aperture is F16. The working range of this lens varies from 2.3 feet or 0.7 meters to infinity. The lens gets constructed with a combination of eight elements in six groups. It has a focal length of 24 mm and it has the aperture ratio of 1:3.8. The diagonal angle of view with respect to FF is calculated as 100°, 90°, and 67° for diagonal, horizontal, and vertical respectively for this lens and the diagonal angle of view with respect to APS-C for this lens is 84°, 74°, and 53° for diagonal, horizontal, and vertical views in that order.

The size of this lens in terms of length X breadth is approximately 48.8 mm X 57.7 mm and the diameter of this lens is 61 mm. The minimum focusing distance of this lens is 70 cm. The magnification ratio of this lens is 0.04x. The filter size of the lens is 46 mm. This lens also comes with a lens mount which will be suitable for most of the Leica cameras. ELMAR-M 24 mm F3.8 ASPH lens comes with lens with a lens hood, front cap, rear cap and a leather case.

The lens weighs 260 grams (9.17 ounces). This LEICA ELMAR-M 24 mm F3.8 ASPH lens is a suitable partner to a faster lens, and it goes good with photographs taken during day time of a travel or photography in environments that have risk. This excellent lens comes with a three year warranty and the price of this lens is about 2075 US dollars.

Wed, 24 Mar 2010 14:01:45 +0000

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