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Great imaging experience with Leica APO-SUMMICRON-M 75mm f/2 Aspherical Lens

If you are for a digital camera lens that is very good in performance and also compactness, then one of the better options that is available in the optical market place is the Leica 75mm Summicron Aspherical Lens. This is one of the most ideal lenses for taking natural landscapes and personal portraits One of the salient feature of this lens s tat it doesn't produce any shadowing effect. Hence the image that one sees through the lens will be crystal clear. There are a number of new features that have been included in this lens. This includes the aspherical glass surface, which has a very refractive index. This will ensure that the internal reflection is reduced to a bare minimum thereby achieving greater clarity and resolution.

A new kind of floating element has been added to the lens. This improves the imaging property of the lens to a great extent. The lens also comes with a 6 bit code which makes it easier for the Leica M8 digital camera to identify the type of lens that is used in the camera. This is a new feature that has been developed in this lens. Some of the major advantages of this Leica lens includes the ability to create undistorted images of subjects that are out of focus and also produces a sharper image than the other lenses. This has the ability to take both indoor and outdoor crisp and well saturated images.

When you are buying this lens, you will also get a front and rear lens caps, Built-in-lens hood and a soft leather case. You will also get a 3 year limited warranty along with this lens. Te sharpness and the detailed images that one gets out of the Summicron 75 mm lens are unmatched. The lens has the ability to focus as close to .7m. This makes it the closest focusing fast lens from the Leica staple of lenses. It also has better magnification features when compared to 90 mm lenses. If you are one of those who have been particularly looking for 75 mm lenses, then this one from Leica will be the best available choice that is present in the market. While using this lens, you can actually have your eyes wide open and shoot the images. The images that are produced by this 75 mm lens have better skin tones; excellent color quality, 3D effect and a complete round look to the image.

Wed, 23 Nov 2011 14:39:13 +0000

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