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Super Telephoto Canon EF 400mm f/2.8L IS USM Lens

Canon EF 400mm f/2.8L IS USM is a super telephoto lens of L series that is designed to compress images and produce excellent photographic images of high quality. It was released in 2002 especially for professional sports and wildlife photography. It has single focal length of 400mm with EF mount and maximum aperture range of F/2.8. This combination of focal length and aperture range makes the subject to stand out from the blurred background and can see what a normal human eye can not see.

Canon EF 400mm has 17 glass elements in 13 groups including one fluorite and two Ultra low dispersion elements for high contrast and high resolution. The image stabilization (IS) on top of it, adds on to the all round capabilities of the lens. Though IS feature is not so much useful in sports but definitely is in capturing wildlife outputs. Lens has remarkable sharpness and is an optical powerhouse to be used for applications requiring low light and telephoto power capabilities. It employs both, full time manual as well as very fast and accurate auto focus.

AF uses ring type Ultra Sonic Motor, USM, which along with Auto Focus drive algorithm helps to provide fast and quiet auto focusing. This Canon lens also has AF stop feature to turn off AF, focus limiter feature to allow focus distances within specified range and focus preset feature to enable return to preset memorized focus distance. Canon EF 400mm has magnifying power of 0.15, closest focal distance of 9.8 feet and accepts drop-in filters of 52mm size. It has 6.2 degrees of rear angle of viewing and produces superb low light nature images.

Canon EF 400mm F-2.8L IS USM is a well built lens with weather resistant seals to protect it from moisture and dust and similar exposed situations. It has dimensions of 27x16x15 inches and is bit heavier weighing about 12 pounds. Lens is supplied with ET-155 lens hood, lens case, lens cap and neck strap. Weight of lens hood further adds on to the overall weight and shipping weight comes out to be around 15 pounds.

Canon EF costs about 7200 USD that makes it one of the most expensive lenses in the market. Its heavy weight is another negative to hindrance the purchase. But overall, if one is looking for such a large focal length with F-2.8 aperture and low light or sports and wildlife photography, this lens is the perfect one to enhance the experience.

Tue, 06 Apr 2010 06:53:13 +0000

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